Solution advocacy in nursing Dec 23

Advocacy Plan to Advance the Nursing ProfessionTop of FormBottom of Form

What is the one of the best way to advance the nursing profession ?

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This assessment measures your ability to lead the advancement of the nursing profession to influence interprofessional decision-making.

As an  advanced practice nurse, you are not only an advocate for your patients but also for nursing itself. Whatever barriers exist that impede nurses from using their full knowledge and skills to  make decisions and to perform their job needs to be addressed and eliminated.

In  Future of Nursing 2020-2030 the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2021) states, “Health equity is achieved when everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible…Nurses have the potential to reshape the landscape of health equity over the next decade by expanding their roles, working in new settings and in new ways, and markedly expanding efforts to partner with communities and other sectors…Nurses are in a position to improve outcomes for the underserved and can work to address the structural and institutional factors that produce health disparities in the first place.”

At the request of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a National Academy of Medicine committee conducted a study aimed at charting a path forward for the nursing profession to help ensure that all people have what they need to live their healthiest lives. The report was published in May 2021 and builds on progress nurses have made over the past decade.

The report listed  9 recommendations  for change directed at both the individual and institutional level. These recommendations represent crucial changes that need to be made if the U.S. is going to reach any semblance of health equity.

For this assessment you will choose one of the recommendations and develop an advocacy plan to address the recommendation.

Assessment Deliverable

Part I 

Select 1 of the  9 recommendations  from the  Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report.

Use the  Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report to expand your understanding of the recommendation.

Determine how you can advocate for this change to be made.

Create 12- to 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, with detailed speaker notes, that describes your advocacy plan.

Include the following in your presentation:

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· Define message points for the audience.


Part II 

Write an engaging 350- to 525-word summary of your position in your Advocacy Plan that would convince stakeholders to support the change in policy or regulation is needed to allow nurses to play a more impactful role in achieving nationwide health equity.

Include a  minimum of 4 peer-reviewed scholarly references from the University Library. You may use your textbook as one of the references. 

Cite your sources and format your paper according to APA Guidelines.

Submit your assessment.

Assessment Support

Review the rubric  for guidance on deliverable expectations. 

· Health Inequity and the Future of Nursing

20% of total grade

· Health Inequity Advocacy Plan

20% of total grade

· Evidence-Based Solutions

20% of total grade

· Advocacy Plan Position Summary

15% of total grade

· Collaboration: Foster Constructive Interactions

15% of total grade

· APA, Grammar, and Writing Mechanics

5% of total grade

· Information Literacy


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2021).  The future of nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. The National Academies Press.

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·!– /wp:paragraph –>

· State your goal that you want to achieve as a result of your advocacy.

· Determine the key audience and stakeholders.

· Who can you elicit support from?

· Who can make this recommended change? Interprofessional agency? A professional organization? A board? (e.g., state nursing board, state legislature, federal legislature)?

· Find out what the audience and stakeholders know and how they perceive the issue.

· Identify the barriers that keep this change from happening.

·!– /wp:paragraph –>

· Define message points for the audience.


Part II 

Write an engaging 350- to 525-word summary of your position in your Advocacy Plan that would convince stakeholders to support the change in policy or regulation is needed to allow nurses to play a more impactful role in achieving nationwide health equity.

Include a  minimum of 4 peer-reviewed scholarly references from the University Library. You may use your textbook as one of the references. 

Cite your sources and format your paper according to APA Guidelines.

Submit your assessment.

Assessment Support

Review the rubric  for guidance on deliverable expectations. 

· Health Inequity and the Future of Nursing

20% of total grade

· Health Inequity Advocacy Plan

20% of total grade

· Evidence-Based Solutions

20% of total grade

· Advocacy Plan Position Summary

15% of total grade

· Collaboration: Foster Constructive Interactions

15% of total grade

· APA, Grammar, and Writing Mechanics

5% of total grade

· Information Literacy


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2021).  The future of nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. The National Academies Press.

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Maximize your academic success with just one click! Discover the secret to exceptional grades and elevate your performance to unparalleled heights. Click now to access the ultimate solution to this Question

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