Solution Outcome Assessment Johnson County Community Hospital Would Like To See Whether Their Community Intervention Program, Which Was…

Outcome Assessment

Johnson County Community Hospital would like to see whether their Community Intervention Program, which was designed to improve the health of their community, has been effective. They are concerned that they are not going to have funds for the next year and need to decide which interventions they should continue and which they need to consider removing based on the effectiveness toward improving the health of the community.

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Below is some information about the community:

Population equality divided by age with the following numbers:

Total PopulationUnder 5 years5-14 years15-24 years25-44 years45-64 years65-74Years75+years

Health Conditions in the community:

22.2% of adults are smokers and 24.3% of grades 9-12 are smoker

31% of ages 18-64 and 42% of ages 65+ received a flu immunization

83% of ages 45+ have evidence of heart disease

17% of ages 15-24 have or currently utilized opioids

5% of all ages have disease of the blood such as sickle cell

Johnson County must prioritize their efforts. They must select two activities as a focus.

Given this information,

What specific intervention programs do you think would be the priority for the Community Intervention Program?

Describe your complete rationale for your suggestion

Respond to the suggestion of ONE classmate. Remember this is a conversation, so you need to respond with more than just agreeing and repeating you suggestion


Community Health Needs Outcome Assessment

Alberti, P. (2014). Community health needs outcome assessments: Filling data gaps for population health research and management. eGEMS, 4(2), Article 5.

Cohen, R. (2013). A Healthcare Advocate’s Guide to Community Health Needs Assessments. Nonprofit Quarterly. Retrieved from:

Lightfoot, A. F., De Marco, M. M., Dendas, R. C., Jackson, M. R., & Meehan, E. F. (2014). Engaging Underserved Populations in Affordable Care Act-Required Needs outcome Assessments. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 25(1), 11-18.

Public Health Institute and Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research Evaluation Network. (2016). Making Food Systems Part of Your Community Health Needs outcome Assessment. Retrieved from:

Norris, T. & Howell, L. F. (1999). Healthy People in Healthy Communities: A Dialogue Guide. Chicago, IL: Coalition for Healthy Cities and Communities.

Public Health Institute. Advancing the State of the Art of Community Benefit

Rosenbaum, S., Kindig, D.A., Bao, J., Byrnes, M.K., & O’Laughlin, C. (2015). The value of the nonprofit hospital tax exemption was $24.6 billion in 2011.  Health Affairs, 34(7)

Rosenbaum, S. (2013). Principles to Consider for the Implementation of a Community Health Needs Assessment Process. Washington, DC : The George Washington University, School of Public Health and Health Services, Department of Health Policy.

Outcome Assessment

Community Benefit and Community Health

Barnett, K. & Sommerville, M. (2012). Schedule H and Hospital Community Benefits – Opportunities and Challenges for the States. Baltimore, MD: The Hilltop Institute.

Catholic Healthcare Association of the United States. (2012). A Guide for Planning and Reporting Community Benefit. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) 2010: Addressing Disparities in Health. Retrieved from

Community Tool Box. Work Group for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas. (2014). Community Tool Box. Retrieved from

Corrigan, J., Fisher, E. & Heiser, S. (2015). Hospital community benefit programs: Increasing benefits to communities. JAMA, 313(12), 1211-1212.

Trust for America’s Health. (2013, January). “Partner with Nonprofit Hospitals to Maximize Community Programs’ Impact on Prevention.” Retrieved from:

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