Nutrition Research Project

Nutrition Research Project (100 points):

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These will be reviewed in class and posted on Canvas. First you will select and read

three recent articles on a human nutrition topic of your choice from professional peer-

reviewed journals. Professional peer-reviewed journals in nutrition, nursing, kinesiology,

science (biology, chemistry, physiology), and medicine are examples of acceptable

sources. All articles must be from 2010 or later. It is strongly recommended that you use

NVCC Library databases (such as Academic Search Complete, Proquest, CINAHL, etc-) to

find these articles.

Nutrition Topic Ideas

: any essential nutrient (a vitamin or mineral, or a carbohydrate,

protein, or fat), a health risk (or risks) of poor vitamin D status, calcium & bone health,

folate & pregnancy, diet and cancer risk, diet & blood pressure, health benefits of

omega-3 fatty acids, pros and cons of vegetarianism (or meat eating), organic foods and

nutrition, health effects of sugar, health effects of caffeine (or coffee), health benefits of

nut consumption, the Mediterranean Diet, DASH Diet, diet and dementia risk, health

benefits of a phytochemical (find one to write about), health effects of a sweetener

(pick one), health effects of dietary fiber, health effects of probiotics, energy

metabolism, vitamin D and stress fractures, Creatine supplements for athletes, female

athlete triad, energy drinks, effects of breakfast consumption for children, obesity

prevention in children, nutrition requirements of athletes (such as body builders or

endurance athletes), and many more!

Find a nutrition topic that interests you!

This project will be completed in two parts:

Part 1: Expanded Bibliography (15 pts.): Write an expanded bibliography for your 3 main

paper references. These references must be about the human nutrition topic that will

be the focus of your research paper. Your 3 main references must be from 2010 or later,

and they must be from professional peer-reviewed journals in nutrition, nursing, allied


health, kinesiology, medicine, or science (biology, chemistry, physiology, etc-). The

expanded bibliography will list your reference citations in MLA or APA format; each

citation will be followed by a brief explanation of what your article is about and why it is

a good reference for your paper. You will get more guidelines for this in class and on

Canvas. If your expanded bibliography includes a reference that does not meet the

guidelines for this assignment, your instructor will notify you by email when she grades

your bibliography.

Part II: Short Research Paper (85 pts.). Write a short paper (3+ pages of writing) about

your three references.

Your paper should explain & discuss the major points of each


For research articles, discuss the research design, major findings, and major

conclusions. Include your own evaluation of the information in these articles: What, in

your opinion, is the significance of the information or findings in your 3 articles?

PAPER REQUIREMENTS (Explained further in the assignment guidelines):


Topic: The paper must be about a human nutrition topic, and it must be about the 3 journal

articles from your expanded bibliography

. This includes the requirement that your 3 main

references must be from 2010 or later and must be from professional peerreviewed journals in

nutrition, nursing, allied health, kinesiology, medicine, or science (chemistry, biology,

physiology, etc-). See the assignment guidelines for further explanation.

2. Title page with your topic title, your name, and the date


Typed, double-spaced,

12-point font, 1-inch margins


Minimum 3 full pages of writing

(to the bottom of the third page), not counting title page and

reference list.

Suggested length: 4 – 6 pages.

Papers shorter than three full pages of writing will

be incomplete and will not be accepted for credit until completed; the late penalty may apply.

(See 14m for the late assignment policy.)


The paper must be written in your own words (and sentences)!

NO COPYING from references,

even if citations are given. Quotations are allowed but should be used sparingly, must be in

quotation marks, and must be cited. The instructor’s plagiarism/cheating/dishonesty policy is in

section 14o of this syllabus and will also be explained on a plagiarism handout you will receive in

class and on Canvas. Please read the instructor’s plagiarism policy before writing your term

paper. It is your responsibility to write your paper in your own words & sentences and to keep

your paper free of plagiarism.

6. Use MLA format.


In-text citations (citations in the body of your paper) and a reference list are required.


should be in MLA format.

8. Submit the final copy of your paper electronically to TurnItIn through Canvas.* (Papers not

submitted to TurnItIn will be incomplete; see policy for incomplete assignments, 14L.)

*Important Policy about Revised Papers

: You may edit your final paper to correct things flagged as

possible plagiarism by TurnItIn, provided that you upload this revised paper to Canvas for TurnItIn

screening no later than 11:59 PM on the due date. The instructor will only accept one revised version of

your paper. Revised papers submitted after the due date window will not be accepted or considered for


These sources should be peer-reviewed articles and/or from a scholarly journal (do not use government websites, webMD,, wikipedia, etc.)

These sources should be peer-reviewed articles and/or from a scholarly journal (do not use government websites, webMD,, wikipedia, etc.)


Explanation & Answer

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