Partnerships involve strong servant leadership that builds trust based on transparency and honesty.

Partnerships involve strong servant leadership that builds trust based on transparency and honesty. Often, the needed programs and practices are known but a respectful partnership with the community is missing. Based on your experiences and the assigned reading, discuss the importance of servant leadership in building trust and sustainable partnerships. Identify an example of someone who exhibited servant leadership skills in building a cross-cultural partnership and why these efforts were successful. State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement and provide two reasons for your stance: A true partnership involves risk shared by all parties.

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local church is often seen as an access point to the community but rarely engaged in a true partnership. Discuss two challenges and two benefits of building partnerships that involve the local church or other communities of faith. Describe two criteria you think are necessary for healthy and effective partnerships that take into consideration the challenges you mentioned. Share an example of how you have applied these criteria in your life. For additional insight in responding to this discussion question, watch the “Partnership Development” video.

Explanation & Answer

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