Endocrine Solution 1 This week you are learning about codes for services…

This week you are learning about codes for services and procedures performed on the Endocrine and Nervous systems as well as the Sensory Organs (Eye/Ear). As you work on assigning codes for services performed on the Nervous system, reflect on the purpose and meaning of the guidelines found throughout this subsection. 

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2. Initial Post: Create a new thread and answer all three parts of the initial prompt below

  1. Explain one (1) thing you learned from the coding guidelines for Surgery of Skull Base preceding the codes (61580-61619) in the Nervous System subsection of the CPT manual.
  2. In your own words, summarize what you think that coding guideline (from question 1) is instructing the coder to do when assigning codes for those types of services.
  3. Describe how you will apply that coding guideline (from question 1) when assigning codes for those types of services.

Endocrine References

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