When reviewing a CXR, what are the major anatomical markings of Lung

The final exam is a two part exam.  Part 1 is that of a take home exam.   (MO 1)

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I would recommend that students copy the questions from the exam to work on as you progress through the course.  

Submit a file upload in “Quizzes” at the same time you submit the Part 2 paper.

All questions are short answer.  Each Question is worth 3 points apiece for a total of 30 points.

This is due Thursday Week 7 at 5pm EST



1.      When reviewing a CXR, what are the major anatomical markings of Lung anatomy you should look for, and what is their significance?

2.    What are the types of lines and tubes you might see in a CXR and how can you differentiate one line/tube from another?

3.    Describe in detail the vascular anatomy of the head and neck and the indications for placing a vascular access device.

4.    How can you identify extraluminal air: Pneumoperitoneum & Pneumoretroperitoneum?

5.    Identify the different types of fractures commonly seen and their initial management.

6.    When assessing a patient for a c-spine injury what types of diagnostic testing should you order and identify the major anatomical markings you should look for and their significance. 

7.    When evaluating a patient with a complaint of “twisting” the knee while playing sports.  What musculoskeletal maneuver would best evaluate any type of injury and why.  What is a positive vs negative exam.

8.    Identify the basic considerations when applying a splint.

9.     List the different sizes of suture from the smallest to largest.

o    What is each size used for?

o   How long should sutures be left in place ?

o   Under what situations can you use wound staples (when and where) ?

o   How long can staples be left in?

o   Where and when can you use a skin glue?

10. Discuss the various types of local anesthetics, their strengths and why you would choose one over another.



Explanation & Answer

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