WestCoast NURS665A 2022 November Week 3 Discussion Latest

NURS665A Care Management and Coordination

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Week 3 Discussion

Select one of the following prompts to address. In the subject line of your post, please identify which prompt you are responding to, for example#1 core competencies.

In your peer replies, please reply to at least one peer who chose a different prompt.

1.  Terri is a 83-year-old widow who has been hospitalized and is being prepared for discharge. Terry was hospitalized after suffering a stroke on the right side. She has residual left-sided weakness, difficulty swallowing and communicating, and aspirates easily. The doctor has initiated aspiration precautions and her diet includes pureed foods and nectar thick liquids. While in the hospital, she receives PT, OT, ST, and assistance with her basic hygiene needs. Terri was independent at home, cooked her own meals, drove a car, and did her own laundry and housekeeping. Her closest relative is her 82-year-old brother who suffers from DM and is blind in the right eye. He lives 30 minutes away. How can Terri’s APRN direct and manage, or organize and coordinate, Terri’s discharge and who should be part of this process?

2.  What are decision support systems, and what role do they play in the business environment? Give an example of decision support systems used in health care. Discuss the challenges faced by EHR data mining. What is the potential of healthcare data mining? How can it benefit or improve patient outcomes?  Finally, explain why knowledge work and the clinical vocabulary contained in unified medical language systems are important for clinical reasoning and evidence-based practice.

Explanation & Answer

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