UOP NSG482 2022 September Week 4 Assignment Latest

NSG482 Promoting Healthy Communities

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NSG482 / NSG482 CA / NSG482CA

Week 4 Assignment

Summative Assessment: Serving Vulnerable Populations and Disease Prevention Teaching Project

Exam Content

There are 2 parts of this assignment. In Part 1, you will explore your community’s resources for people who live in a food desert, develop a meal plan that fits the medical conditions, consider the culture of the community members, and explore how to help community members maintain health.?In Part 2, you will identify a health issue from your windshield survey and develop an outline for a teaching project to address the issue.

Part 1: Serving Vulnerable Populations 

Imagine you are a community health nurse assigned to care for a?family with a newly diagnosed type-2 diabetic member.?The diabetic family member, JK, is a 66-year-old?Black woman?with hypertension and asthma. JK lives in a food desert and does not drive. JK’s family visits her weekly, but they have complicated lives and are unable to provide daily care for her.

Evaluate the following community health resources and summarize them in a table:

United States Department of Agriculture  

Food Access Research Atlas

Food Access Research Atlas Map

Characteristics and Influential Factors of Food Deserts

 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  

A Systematic Review of Food Deserts, 1966-2007

Small Food Stores and Availability of Nutritious Foods

Data & Statistics

 Create a plan in which you detail opportunities for JK to gain adequate access to appropriate foods for 1 week. (4 clinical hours)  

Your plan must address:

Appropriate and realistic estimated budget

Shopping locations

Transportation means, routes, and timing

Support services

 Compare JK’s community?to your county census data.

Format Part 1 of your assignment as a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes.?Include the table summarizing the community health resources, the plan for JK, and the comparison of JK’s community to county census data in your presentation. (3 clinical hours)


Part 2: Disease Prevention Teaching Project 

Step 1: Choose a community health agency (e.g., day care, church, school, clinic, homeless shelter).?(1 clinical hour)

Step 2: Review Table 1.1 (p. 49) of Community/Public Health Nursing and the results of the windshield survey you completed in Week 2.

From the results of your windshield survey, you will identify a health issue facing the community. You will prepare an outline for a teaching project surrounding the issue, which you would present to your selected agency. (2 clinical hours)

Assess the community for: 

Healthy food options  


Housing and zoning  

Open space  



Social service centers  

Stores, businesses, and industries  

People and animals encountered on the street 

Physical condition of the area  

Racial and ethnic makeup of the population  


Health indicators and morbidity  



Signs of decay  

Crime rate  

Employment rate  


Environmental factors  

Public services (e.g., fire, police)



Step 3: Recommend an appropriate disease prevention teaching project that your chosen agency could offer to the local community.?(5 clinical hours)

Format Part 2 of your assignment as?a 500-word summary of the teaching project that includes the following:

Summarize the public health issues facing the selected community.

Select 1 issue and prepare an outline of the problem or issue faced.

Explain how your selected agency could address the issue.

Prepare an?outline of a disease prevention teaching project that could be offered by your agency.

Compile your slide presentation from Part 1 and your summary from Part 2 for submission.

Submit your assignment.


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