UOP HSN376 2022 November Week 4 Assignment Latest

HSN376 Health Information Technology For Nursing

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Week 4 Assignment

Informatics Solution Proposal Areas of Evaluation

In this week’s assignment, you will evaluate two products you believe may resolve your selected issue. The purpose of your evaluation is to find the product that would be the best fit for your health care workplace and would best resolve the existing issue. Review the feedback your faculty member provided last week and incorporate relevant parts into your work on this assignment. Remember that each week builds on the last and will culminate in the Week 5 assignment.

Select?two products currently available in the market from the category you identified in Week 3. For example, if you selected EHRs, then identify two specific EHR products, such as Cerner and Epic. If you chose two barcode scanners, you might compare Zebra and Honeywell.

Note: You may use the product websites for information to support your assignment.

Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes of 50-200 words EACH slide in which you:

Explain the following related to each product:

How would each product mitigate the clinical or administrative issue?

How will each product affect patients, staff, and the organization?

Determine?a minimum of five criteria with which to evaluate the functionality of the two products and describe these criteria and give a rationale for selecting them. Consider:

ease of use



Include?a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources. The product websites count toward this.

Cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

Note: References may include product websites or other reputable sources in addition to peer-reviewed resources. Faculty approval is required for sources other than peer-reviewed resources.

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