UOP HSN376 2022 November Complete Course Latest (Full)

HSN376 Health Information Technology For Nursing

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Week 1 Discussion

Role of Informatics in Patient Care Outcomes

How does standardized data entry relate to improving patient safety and improved care outcomes?

Provide examples from your own clinical practice.


HSN376 Health Information Technology For Nursing

Week 2 Discussion

Health Care Information Systems

As outlined in the case study at the end of Ch. 8 in the Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals, take an inventory of the information systems in your organization or at an organization in which you were previously employed.

Use your own observations and conversations with staff and leaders.

Compare your list with the systems described in Ch. 8.

Answer?the following questions in a minimum of 175 words:

How would you rate the information technology status of your organization?

How would you improve your information systems?


HSN376 Health Information Technology For Nursing

Week 3 Discussion

Clinical Decision Support Experience

Watch “Cloud-Based Decision Support” from the Clinical Decision Support Consortium (CDSC) project to see how a clinical decision support tool built and housed in Boston benefited a small rural community far from the city. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) funded the project, which illustrates how clinical decision support is scalable from one population to another. 

Read “Clinical Decision Support Systems: State of the Art” from AHRQ.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

What is the Clinical Decision Support Consortium (CDSC) and what is its purpose?

How does clinical decision support improve patient care? Provide an example from your own practice.


HSN376 Health Information Technology For Nursing

Week 4 Discussion

Consumer Health Informatics (CHI)

Examine ways that consumer health informatics (CHI) is changing how health advice and care are sought and delivered.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  

Discuss issues associated with consumer health informatics that can negatively impact access to care or ability to self-manage care. Provide examples that you have encountered during your practice.


HSN376 Health Information Technology For Nursing

Week 5 Discussion

Nursing Informatics Roles

In numerous case studies, evidence demonstrates that nursing informatics has a positive impact on the quality of care.

Explore the American Medical Informatics Association website to review different types of nursing informatics roles. 

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Describe at least 3 future trends in nursing informatics.

Which role in nursing informatics do you find most interesting? Explain what you find interesting about it.


HSN376 Health Information Technology For Nursing

Week 1 Assignment

Information Technology, Safety, and Patient Outcomes

Information and technology skills are essential for all nurses to have, but especially for nurse informaticists. This assignment requires you to consider how information and technology directly impact patient care outcomes and a safe care environment.

Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes of 50-200 words EACH slide in which you:

Explain?why information and technology skills are essential for safe patient care.

Identify?the baccalaureate nurse’s role in championing the use of information and technology to improve safety and patient outcomes.

Provide?examples of how nurses use technology to make healthcare-related decisions.

Analyze?the relationship between the quality and integrity of data entered into a database and the effect on the quality of patient care.


HSN376 Health Information Technology For Nursing

Week 2 Assignment

Informatics Solution Proposal Issue Identification

The purpose of the Informatics Solution Proposal is to increase knowledge and ability with informatics and technology products for the health care workplace setting. You will review the functionality of various products and select one that best meets the needs of a health care setting. This is the first phase of your project, which is issue identification.

Identify an issue (either clinical or administrative) in a health care workplace that could be resolved by implementing an informatics or technology solution. For example, a health care facility using paper charts for all patient records is an issue that could be resolved by implementing an electronic health record (EHR).

Draft a 350-word letter or memo to a nursing administrator, informing them of the clinical or administrative problem, why it is a concern, and a request for permission to research and propose a solution.

Note: Do not identify a specific solution or product. You are only defining the existing problem and requesting permission to research possible solutions.

Support your letter with at least 3 peer-reviewed resources.

Format the letter according to APA guidelines for formal business correspondence. Note: See the Sample Business Memo in the Center for Writing Excellence.

 Provide an APA-formatted references page for all resources used.


HSN376 Health Information Technology For Nursing

Week 3 Assignment

Informatics Solution Proposal General Solution

In this assignment, you will complete the next phase for your Informatics Solution Proposal. Review the feedback your faculty member provided last week and incorporate relevant parts into your work on this assignment. Remember that each week builds on the last and will culminate in the Week 5 assignment.

Determine a category of informatics or technology that can solve the clinical or administrative issue you identified in Week 2.

Compose a 525- to 700-word summary of the benefits of selecting a product from this category of technology or informatics solution.

In your summary, you should:

Identify a category of informatics or technology solution that may be appropriate for the identified workplace. Select a category of solution but not a specific product. For example, staffing software, EHRs, integrated Vital Sign machines, bar code scanners, telecommunication software, etc. You will select the specific products in Week 4.

Provide a rationale for why this category of solution may help address the clinical or administrative problem.

Describe potential regulatory, legal, or ethical issues this category of solution may cause or resolve.


HSN376 Health Information Technology For Nursing

Week 4 Assignment

Informatics Solution Proposal Areas of Evaluation

In this week’s assignment, you will evaluate two products you believe may resolve your selected issue. The purpose of your evaluation is to find the product that would be the best fit for your health care workplace and would best resolve the existing issue. Review the feedback your faculty member provided last week and incorporate relevant parts into your work on this assignment. Remember that each week builds on the last and will culminate in the Week 5 assignment.

Select?two products currently available in the market from the category you identified in Week 3. For example, if you selected EHRs, then identify two specific EHR products, such as Cerner and Epic. If you chose two barcode scanners, you might compare Zebra and Honeywell.

Note: You may use the product websites for information to support your assignment.

Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes of 50-200 words EACH slide in which you:

Explain the following related to each product:

How would each product mitigate the clinical or administrative issue?

How will each product affect patients, staff, and the organization?

Determine?a minimum of five criteria with which to evaluate the functionality of the two products and describe these criteria and give a rationale for selecting them. Consider:

ease of use



Include?a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources. The product websites count toward this.

Cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

Note: References may include product websites or other reputable sources in addition to peer-reviewed resources. Faculty approval is required for sources other than peer-reviewed resources.


HSN376 Health Information Technology For Nursing

Week 5 Assignment

Informatics Solution Proposal: Specific Solution Presentation

In this week’s assignment, you will synthesize the work you have completed over the past 3 weeks into an informatics solutions proposal whose intended audience is the directors of the health care workplace where your selected issue is occurring.

Develop a proposal in which you evaluate the two specific products you selected in Week 4. Your goal is to persuade the directors of the health care workplace to implement your chosen informatics solution.

Address the following details in your proposal:

Brief description of the administrative or clinical issue

A concise overview of the two products, including an evaluation of all relevant features of each product

Select one product for implementation and provide a clear explanation about why you chose it

Two suggestions of how the chosen product could be implemented

Two suggestions for how the chosen product would be evaluated after implementation

A future trend in this area

Develop your proposal as a presentation using one of the following formats:

12- to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes of 50-200 words EACH slide in which you:

Oral presentation, including appropriate visual aid (for example, a handout or brochure)

Another format approved by your facilitator

Include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed references, in a separate document if necessary.

Explanation & Answer

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