Throughout this course we explored how each body system responds to bouts of aerobic

Throughout this course we explored how each body system responds to bouts of aerobic and resistance exercise. In this final paper, you will use knowledge from each week to craft an Exercise Plan for a fictitious client. Please include the following components in your paper, citing all resources you use in the text as well as in your reference list.

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1. Your client’s baseline information (age, sex, BMI, percent body fat, resting HR and estimated VO2max). Since this is fictitious, you can use your own data or make it up as long as it’s realistic.

2. Your client’s goal(s). Some examples include increasing their aerobic fitness, increasing muscular strength or muscular endurance, improving their body composition, etc. Remember that goals should be “SMART” – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely.

3. A detailed 4-week exercise plan that you design to help them reach their goal(s). Include the modes of exercise, intensity, duration, frequency and how the individual would progress as they saw improvements. You can summarize these components in a table or use bullet points for clarity.

4. Include a summary describing the rationale for your plan. Include data from at least 3 research articles that support your proposed exercise plan and its ability to meet your client’s goal(s).

Explanation & Answer

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