The final project for this course will require you to apply what you have learned through

The final project for this course will require you to apply what you have learned through your Windshield Survey of Sentinel City to a target population of your choosing. You will complete your project by comparing data from Sentinel City with similar data from the city where your target population lives. Many of the discussions and assignments throughout this course will build towards the completion of the final project. Your final project will be a 14-20 slide PowerPoint presentation submitted during Week 8. You must view the Final Project Rubric below in order to accurately complete this assignment. It is suggested that you do this during the first week of class.

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Your final presentation will include 10 parts, which are described in detail below.

I. Introduction

Provide a brief introduction that includes the mission statement, vision, and/or the goals of your practice learning site.

II. Description of Your Target Population

Compose a detailed description of your chosen target population, which is a specific group served by your practice learning site. In this section you will describe the demographic characteristics of your chosen target population, including the population’s socioeconomic status, vital statistics, education level, religion, and occupations. Include a table, graph, and/or figure display that includes relevant demographic data for your target population. 

III. Comparison of Sentinel City Demographic Data

Compare the demographic data of Sentinel City with the demographic data from the city where your practice learning site is located. You should present this information in a clear to understand table. You can use the Data Comparison Table provided in Module 2. 

IV. Key Informants

Identify 3 key informants in the city where your practice learning site is located and 2-3 questions you would ask them. Examples of key informants include, but are not limited to: political leaders, health care providers, service providers such as mail carriers or shop owners, members of the fire or police departments and long term residents of the community. People who live and work in the community are a rich source of information and can often provide data not found in printed form. Your mentor from your Practice Experience will serve as the 4th key informant. Include specific quotes in response to the questions you asked your mentor that support and/or contradict information cited in the literature.

V.  Key Health Concerns or Issues

Present a list of the top 3 health concerns for your target population. Provide a brief description of these concerns and include data from you target population city that supports the rationale for selecting these health concerns. Select one of the three health concerns you identified and state why you decided to develop an intervention that addresses this particular health concern/issue. Include the Healthy People 2020 objective that relates to your identified health concerns. 

VI. Community Health Nursing Diagnosis

Develop a community health nursing diagnosis based on your analysis of the demographic and health status data that you gathered, as well as your conversations with the key informants. You may consult with your practice learning site mentor to help you develop this diagnosis.

Your community health nursing diagnosis should be written using the following format:

Increased risk of (disability, disease, etc.) among (community or population) related to (disability, disease, etc.) as demonstrated in or by (health status indicator, or etiological/causal statement).


Increased risk of obesity among school age children related to lack of safe outdoor play areas for children as demonstrated by above average BMI rates. 

Increased risk of depression among persons with a physical disability related to the lack of handicap accessible facilities and social isolation as demonstrated by high suicide rate

VII A & B. Intervention to Address the Diagnosis

Describe your proposed intervention that will address the community health nursing diagnosis for your target population. You may choose to develop your own intervention, or modify one that was recommended by the Task Force on Community Preventive Services (TFCPS).

To view recommended interventions, visit the TFCPS website and select the topic you plan on addressing for your intervention. (Note: at the bottom of most topic pages on the TFCPS website there is a sample on how to cite the webpage. After reviewing the topics, click the “Resources” tab then click “Fact Sheets”. Here you may find fact sheets to share with your mentor at your practice learning site.)

Whether you modify an existing intervention or develop one of your own, you must discuss why this intervention will or why you needed to modify it because it would not work for your target population. Include advantages, population fit, and barriers in use of the intervention. You should include the long-term goals, two measurable objectives, and the required resources such as: time, equipment, finances, etc. [Note: you are not required to carry out your intervention but may present it to your practicum site mentor]

VIII. Evaluation Plan

Describe your method for evaluating the objectives of your intervention (for example, pre/post-test, survey, questionnaire, phone interview).  Include one long term goal and two short-term measurable objectives.

Example of goals and measurable objectives:

Goal – To increase my potential for promotion at my place of employment

Objective – Complete all undergraduate nursing courses with a B+ or higher

Objective – Complete the American Sentinel University BSN program before 2020

Goal – To learn about public health nursing

Objective – Describe community health levels of prevention

Objective – List the 8 subsystems of a community

IX. Summary of Sentinel City

Summarize the assets (strengths) in Sentinel City pertaining to the 8 community subsystems. In addition to the “people” (the core) of the community, there are eight subsystems that come together to form the assessment data for your windshield survey, which will contribute to your overall community assessment of Sentinel City. The eight subsystems within every community include: 1) physical environment, 2) safety and transportation, 3) health and social services, 4) education, 5) recreation, 6) politics and government, 7) communication, and 8) economics.

Include your recommendations for improving/strengthening specific subsystems in Sentinel City.  Discuss other recommended changes or additions needed to improve the health of the population living in Sentinel City.

X. Reference List

Include a minimum of 6 references in APA format. The reference list should include relevant websites from state or federal sources and from peer reviewed professional journals. Journal articles do not have to be limited to nursing journals. No more than 50% of references should be from websites.

For the purpose of this assignment cite the Sentinel City demographic data as follows:

U. S. Census Bureau. (2010). American FactFinder fact sheet:  Sentinel City, USA Retrieved January 31, 2014, from

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