SU NSG6005 2022 November Week 9 Case Study Latest

NSG6005 Advanced Pharmacology

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Week 9 Case Study

Ann is a 34-year-old African American woman who presents with a 6 week history of initial and terminal insomnia and a 10 pound weight loss over that same period. She admits to feeling sad almost every day for the past 6 weeks that occurred after she lost her job. She denies feeling enjoyment, has not engaged in any previously enjoyable activities, and wonders if life is worth living. Her physical examination is negative, vital signs and blood work including a thyroid profile are all within normal limits, and her body mass index is 22. Her mother and sister both had episodes of depression and were treated successfully with sertraline.

Answer the following questions.

Which medication would you anticipate starting Ann on and why?

What is critical education to share with her?

Explanation & Answer

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