SOCW 04 week 7 discussion #

SOCW 04 week 7 discussion # 

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Learning Resources to be used as references to support your answer.

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Gehlert, S., & Browne, T. (Eds.). (2012). Handbook of health social work (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

1. Chapter 7, “Community and Health” (pp. 143–163)

Gehlert, S., & Browne, T. (Eds.). (2012). Handbook of health social work (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

· Chapter 4, “Public Health and Social Work”

· Section: “History of Public Health and Social Work” (pp. 65–67)

· Section: “Common Values” (pp. 70–75)

Coren, E., Iredale, W., Rutter, D., & Bywaters, P. (2011). The contribution of social work and social interventions across the life course to the reduction of health inequalities: A new agenda for social work education? Social Work Education, 30(6), 594–609.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Errickson, S. P., Alvarez, M., Forquera, R., Whitehead, T. L., Fleg, A., … Schoenbach, V. J. (2011). What will health-care reform mean for minority health disparities? Public Health Reports, 126(2), 170–175. Retrieved from

Nguyen, D. D., Ho, K. H., & Williams, J. H. (2011). Social determinants and health service use among racial and ethnic minorities: Findings from a community sample. Social Work in Health Care, 50(5), 390–405.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Robinson, L. M., Dauenhauer, J., Bishop, K. M., & Baxter, J. (2012). Growing health disparities for persons who are aging with intellectual and developmental disabilities: The social work linchpin. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 55(2), 175–190.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Optional Resources

Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). HHS action plan to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities. A nation free of disparities in health and health care. Retrieved from


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Answer in APA format with 1 citations per paragraph treat each answer as a separate work or file and each work or file need separate references. At least 350 word each answer if you can.Support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources given in this work. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. Treat each work, file or answer as a separate work and each work or answer needs separate references. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources and the current literature given in the work using appropriate APA format and style

Work #1 professor question

Total views: 2 (Your views: 1)

Hello, students, the following website has information about healthcare disparities that you may find interesting. For example, did you know that where you live determines your health?

Dr. Harper

SOCW 90 week 7

Learning Resources to be used as references to support your answer.

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Agaibi, C. E., & Wilson, J. P. (2005). Trauma, PTSD, and resilience: A review of the literature. Trauma Violence Abuse, 6, 195–216.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

· “Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorders” (pp. 265–290)

Pietrzak, R., Goldstein, M., Malley, J., Johnson, D., & Southwick, S. (2009). Subsyndromal posttraumatic stress disorder is associated with health and psychosocial difficulties in veterans of operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Depression and Anxiety [serial online], 26(8), 739–744.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Rosen, G. M., Spitzer, R. L., & McHugh, P. R. (2008). Problems with the post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis and its future in DSM-V. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 192, 3–4.

Problems with the post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis and its future in DSM-V by Rosen, G.M., Spitzer, R.L., & McHugh, P.R. in The British Journal of Psychiatry, 192/1. Copyright 2008 by the Royal Medico-Psychological Association. Reprinted by permission of the Royal College of Psychiatrists via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Van der Kolk, B. A. (2005). Developmental trauma disorder: Towards a rational diagnosis for chronically traumatized children. Retrieved from www.

Van der Kolk, B.A. (2005). Developmental trauma disorder: Towards a rational diagnosis for children with complex trauma histories by Van der Kolk, B.A., in Psychiatric Annals, 35/5. Copyright 2005 by Slack Incorporated. Reprinted by permission of Slack Incorporated via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Work #2 Answer in APA format with 1 citations per paragraph treat each answer as a separate work or file and each work or file need separate references. At least 350 word each answer if you can.Support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources given in this work. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. Treat each work, file or answer as a separate work and each work or answer needs separate references. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources and the current literature given in the work using appropriate APA format and style

Work #2 Responding at Multiple Levels Attachment


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Good evening!

When large scale disasters happen, social workers need to be engaged at multiple levels to address the individual family, community, and organizational infrastructure needs to deal with the aftermath. How do you think social workers can use their skills to make this type of response happen in the events you described?


Dr. Ivery

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Work #3

Catherine this is my posted discussion for SOCW 04 week7 from which the professors is making the question on. NOT A WORK READ ONLY so you can answer the professors question.

RE: Discussion – Week 7 Attachment


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Traumatic Event

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an incapacitating mental health disorder regularly connected with psychiatric comorbidity and lessened life quality, and basically trails a chronic, always lifelong, course. Provided the ubiquitous nature of intimidating or disastrous trauma, PTSD is changing to be more and more common (Agaibi, & Wilson, 2005). It might impact 10% of women and men 5% of some phase. Relying upon the nature and extent of the traumatic action, the commonness rates of PTSD in fatalities have been stated to approach 100%. The PTSD syndrome is an accumulation of various cognitive, interactive, and physiological instabilities characterized by three sign clusters, for example avoidance, intrusion, and arousal. From the introduction of PTSD into the diagnostic classificatory organizations in 1980, substantial research has been done on the effectiveness of cognitive interactive therapy (CBT) in its treatment. Presently, trauma-focused CBT is suggested for PTSD by numerous treatment strategies and proficient consensus panels. The determination of this appraisal is to assess the scholarships of CBT for PTSD following numerous types of trauma, and those connected to physical sicknesses in adults, children, and teenagers.

Some psychological matters that require to be addressed include; psychiatric illness and agony feedbacks. Experiencing a disaster may lead to alterations in the health-associated conducts and yield overall life variations (Agaibi, & Wilson, 2005). Substance application is one of the health-concerned conduct mainly thought to raise in the aftermath of a disaster. Cigarette smoking and alcohol application may raise persons with PTSD after any type of traumatic event.

The greater trauma literature may start to aid direct prevention and involvement efforts in reaction to terrorism events (Pietrzak, Goldstein, Malley, Johnson, & Southwick, 2009). Although, it might not be enough to depend on data gotten from research on other sorts of traumatic events for the reason of disasters, and mainly terrorism, differ in essential ways. Continued research inspecting the psychological concerns from a range of disaster and traumatic events will aid improve understanding of the influence and provide sign to target interventions.

The effectiveness of this intervention as stated in the article is that continued research inspecting the psychological concerns from a range of disaster and traumatic events will aid improve understanding of the influence and provide sign to target interventions (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The implications for social work in connection with traumatic events is that, disaster proceedings, can also yield unique positive consequences for the community. Since terrorism is normally led to a population or subpopulation, there is often an important growth of patriotism and vanity for the population following the incident.


Agaibi, C. E., & Wilson, J. P. (2005). Trauma, PTSD, and resilience: A review of the literature. Trauma Violence Abuse, 6, 195–216.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. “Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorders” (pp. 265–290)

Pietrzak, R., Goldstein, M., Malley, J., Johnson, D., & Southwick, S. (2009). Subsyndromal posttraumatic stress disorder is associated with health and psychosocial difficulties in veterans of operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Depression and Anxiety [serial online], 26(8), 739–744.

RE: Discussion – Week 7 Attachment


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Dr. Ivery,

This is part of my answer on the traumatic event.

Traumatic Event

In USA presently, it appears that we all have a touch of the post-traumatic stress malady as shown by our increasingly vitriolic political setting, where realism is repudiated and dramatics run riot. Resentment, we are informed that the natural response to trauma; in persons with PTSD, the anger is out of regulation. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). By that measure, the millennial era has conveyed us 10 years of PTSD politics having no end in exhale.

From the Tea Party madness, the unwillingness of Republicans in Congress to vote for any piece of legislation drafted by Democrats (Pietrzak, Goldstein, Malley, Johnson, & Southwick, 2009). The misuse of the filibuster in the Senate to all but break the institution, and the outsized rage on the left toward the Obama administration for simply behaving as politicians do, our national politics have moved beyond the bounds of extreme partisanship into the realm of mental illness.

This breaking of the countrywide psyche was certain to happen; it’s been periods in the making (Tsai, El-Gabalawy, Sledge, Southwick, & Pietrzak, 2015). The American exceptionalism the view we are in some way better and more blessed than any other persons face the face of the earth by indent of our personal hard work, inventiveness, distinctive goodness and greater democracy was destined to fail as our country, like each other before it, found itself trapped in the relentless wheels of history.

Terror from the Skies

The American persons were actually traumatized by the actions of September 11, year 2001, when four profitable aircraft were seized by al Qaeda terrorists, effectively taking down the World Trade Center in the City of New York (Tsai, El-Gabalawy, Sledge, Southwick, & Pietrzak, 2015). The main symbol of America’s control of the global economy and leaving a huge hole in the Pentagon, the representation of America’s soldierly might. The fourth plane that collided in a Pennsylvania arena, was actually headed for the U.S. Capitol construction, the sign of America’s typical democracy.

People exceeding 300 were raided in the attacks. In the city of New York bodies fell from the sky as workforces in the Trade Center towers leaped to their demises in order to escape the flames. Any persons are exposed to such a formidable sight would appropriately be traumatized. Some of the psychosocial issues that needed to be addressed included treating people who were suffering (Pietrzak, Goldstein, Malley, Johnson, & Southwick, 2009). The effectiveness of the intervention enabled several persons to move with life after the trauma. There were several implications for social work in connection with traumatic even in the USA. In the concentration of a traumatized individual, the recreating of traumatic actions often takes place in regular flashbacks, keeping alive the horror and sense of helplessness instigated by the original occasion.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. “Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorders” (pp. 265–290)

Pietrzak, R., Goldstein, M., Malley, J., Johnson, D., & Southwick, S. (2009). Subsyndromal posttraumatic stress disorder is associated with health and psychosocial difficulties in veterans of operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Depression and Anxiety [serial online], 26(8), 739–744.

Tsai, J., El-Gabalawy, R., Sledge, W. H., Southwick, S. M., & Pietrzak, R. H. (2015). Post-traumatic growth among veterans in the USA: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study. Psychological medicine, 45(1), 165-179.

Work #3 professors question

Answer in APA format with 1 citations per paragraph treat each answer as a separate work or file and each work or file need separate references. At least 350 word each answer if you can.Support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources given in this work. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. Treat each work, file or answer as a separate work and each work or answer needs separate references. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources and the current literature given in the work using appropriate APA format and style

Hi Cheraldo,

Thank you for your overview of PTSD!

1.What is a specific traumatic event in and intervention focused on PTSD were applied?

2.What were the outcomes of the intervention?

Dr. Ivery

Work #4

Discussion – Week 7 Attachment


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Discussion: Evidence-Based Interventions Used in National Traumatic Events

The DSM-5 task force added a section dedicated to trauma and stress. With an increased exposure to traumatic events, more individuals are exhibiting symptoms related to trauma exposure. Experiencing any of these events can result in an individual’s suffering from a trauma or stressor-related disorder.

For this Discussion, read the DSM-5 section on trauma and stressor-related disorders, in particular the articles on PTSD by Van der Kolk (2005) and Agaibi and Wilson (2005). Then search the literature for a study related to a national traumatic event and an evidence-based intervention used to treat those suffering from trauma and stressor-related issues associated with it.

Answer in APA format with 1 citations per paragraph treat each answer as a separate work or file and each work or file need separate references. At least 400 word each answer if you can.Support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources given in this work. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. Treat each work, file or answer as a separate work and each work or answer needs separate references. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources and the current literature given in the work using appropriate APA format and style

Work #4Evidence-Based Interventions Used in National Traumatic Events

0. A brief description of the event, including a summary of how it affected the individuals involved.

0. What are some psychosocial issues that needed to be addressed following this event?

0. Identify an intervention that was implemented to address one of the psychosocial issues.

0. Discuss the effectiveness of this intervention as stated in the article.

0. What are some of the implications for social work in connection with traumatic events?

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

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Work 5

Group Wiki Part 4: Online Resources

Locating online resources for a client can be overwhelming. There is such an abundance of websites, blogs, wikis, and social networking sites that offers resources to many different populations. As a clinician, it is important for you to determine which resources are evidence-based, appropriate for the population, and easily accessible.

To prepare for your Group Wiki, read the Wiki Assignment Instructions document located in the resources. Then locate 5–7 online resources for those living with a mental disorder.

For this Assignment, collaborate with your group to write a 650- to 750-word wiki, being sure to use proper APA format for any citations.

· Your group’s wiki should focus on your assigned mental disorderGroup E: F90.20 ADHD, Combined Type

r . Include the following (in the form of URLs, physical locations, and contact information) in your entry:

· Agencies, organizations, and non-profits that offer information and resources to individuals living with your assigned mental disorder

· Workshops, conferences, and suggested readings pertaining to your assigned mental disorder

· Experts in the field and their locations

· Studies that offer more insight into interventions for this mental disorder


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