Quality Improvement – You have recently been hired as a lead

Quality Improvement

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You have recently been hired as a lead consultant for the University Medical Center. You have been working with the quality team and the Chief Quality Officer (CQO) on a long-term plan to improve patient satisfaction. The most recent survey results showed a 5% decline in overall patient satisfaction. Based on a review of the survey data, slow response time to call buttons ranked highest in terms of the source of dissatisfaction among patients. The team has decided to prioritize the management of call button response time to improve the patient satisfaction rates. In addition to improving patient satisfaction, decreasing the call button response time can support operational efficiency goals and can ultimately have a positive impact on the bottom line of the medical center. The long-term plan will be reflected in best practices, which will be implemented. Your project has almost come to completion and now it is time to summarize your improvement plan to the CEO.


Write an executive summary to the CQO regarding best practices to improve patient satisfaction survey results. Your summary should include:

  • One model of quality improvement as it relates to decreasing call button response time.
  • An explanation of how the model will lead to an increase in patient survey response rates.
  • Several strategies to engage both patients and healthcare staff in the quality improvement initiative as this new model is implemented. The strategies should include ways to increase patient satisfaction.


– Clear and thorough evaluation of the one model of quality improvement. Included comprehensive descriptions of the model with multiple examples of how the model is used. 

– Clear and thorough explanation of how call button response time can be met with the selected model of quality improvement. Included description of the challenge and at least two examples of how the model can decrease the challenge. 

– Clear and thorough strategy to engage healthcare staff in quality improvement initiatives. Included comprehensive descriptions each strategic step and multiple ways that the healthcare staff will be engaged. 

Explanation & Answer

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