Purdue EF310 2022 June Unit 6 Assignment Latest

EF310 Current Trends in Exercise and Fitness

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Unit 6 Assignment

Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment:

Understand fitness testing protocols and administer tests to clients.

Apply SMART goals to fitness assessments to recommend fitness improvements.

Course Outcome addressed in this assignment:

EF310-4: Recommend fitness goals based on the administration and results of fitness assessments.

Background: Conducting fitness assessments is critical to developing exercise prescriptions for clients. Before conducting fitness tests, you want to be sure that a client is physically able to complete all tests and, if not, make appropriate modifications. Based on data we gather from baseline testing, including a client’s current lifestyle and fitness level, you can recommend SMART fitness goals that guide the future prescription.

Instructions: For this assignment, you will conduct two assessments. The first will be a self-assessment, and the second will be on an adult client of your choosing. Before performing or administering fitness assessments, you will complete an exercise readiness questionnaire to ensure physical activity is safe and appropriate. Your assignment must address all topics as outlined below and must be in APA format and utilize references. The expected length is approximately 3–4 pages.

Part 1: Exercise Readiness Questionnaire Self-Assessment

Personally complete the Exercise Preparticipation Health Screening Questionnaire available at:

American College of Sports Medicine. (2016). Exercise preparticipation health screening questionnaire for exercise professionals. https://www.exerciseismedicine.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/EIM-exercise-preparticipation-screening.pdf

Discuss your results and whether beginning a physical activity program is safe for you. If you have any risk factors or need to modify any fitness tests, please address them. Please provide your results on the questionnaire in this section.

Part 2: Fitness Testing Self-Assessment

Perform each of the fitness assessments listed below. For each test you perform, provide a detailed description of how the test is administered. In your discussion of each test, include your score and rating. If you are physically unable to perform any of the assessments, you must still describe how the test is administered.


Perform the following fitness tests:

Aerobic Fitness: Choose either the Rockport Walk Test or 12 Minute Run

Muscular Strength: Complete both the Push-Up Test and Curl Up Test

Flexibility: Complete the Sit and Reach

Body Composition: Calculate both your body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-height ratio (WtH)

Part 3: SMART Goals

Based on your fitness scores, identify at least two SMART goals.

Part 4: Exercise Readiness Questionnaire (ERQ) Client Assessment

To begin, select an adult you know to serve as your client for this assignment. The person should be an adult between the ages of 18–65. Please include the client’s age and gender in your discussion. The client should be physically able to safely perform all fitness assessments based on their ERQ.

Complete the Exercise Readiness Questionnaire with your client. Discuss their results and whether beginning a physical activity program is safe for them. If they have any risk factors or need to modify any fitness tests, please address them and provide their results on the questionnaire in this section.

Part 5: Fitness Testing (Client Assessment)

Administer each of the fitness assessments listed below to your client. For each test they perform, provide a detailed description of how the test is administered. In your discussion of each test, include the client’s score and rating. If they are physically unable to perform any of the assessments, you must still describe how the test is administered.

Administer the following fitness tests:

Aerobic Fitness: Choose either the Rockport Walk Test or 12 Minute Run

Muscular Strength: Complete both the Push Up Test and Curl Up Test

Flexibility: Complete the Sit and Reach

Body Composition: Calculate both your body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-height ratio (WtH)

Part 3: SMART Goals

Based on the client’s fitness scores, recommend at least two SMART goals.


Explanation & Answer

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