Purdue EF310 2022 June Assignments Latest (Full)

EF310 Current Trends in Exercise and Fitness

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Unit 2 Assignment

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Discuss the importance of exercise and fitness for youth.

Understand the Guidelines for Physical Activity for children.

Course Outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

EF310-1: Identify national organizations with certification programs and resource materials for exercise and fitness programs.

Assignment Background:

The internet can provide a wealth of information regarding exercise, physical activity, and fitness for various populations. Fitness professionals want to be aware of reliable sources that provide useful information for them as professionals and resources that may be useful to share with clients. They should also be aware of websites or online resources that provide unsubstantiated information or sell questionable products or services.

Assignment Instructions:

For this assignment, choose four websites that are excellent resources for fitness professionals. These sites should be from reputable, science-based organizations and include reliable information. For each website, provide a brief description of the organization and the type of information the site provides. Include a brief discussion about why you feel the website is useful for fitness professionals and why you believe it to be reliable. The websites you select should focus on exercise, physical activity, or fitness. Feel free to include sites that focus on adults, children, older adults, or special populations.

Next, identify one website that you believe contains erroneous or misleading information or sells a questionable fitness-related product. Discuss the information or product and why you believe it is misleading or not reliable.

Your assignment should be approximately 2 pages. Be sure to include the APA citation for each website resource.


EF310 Current Trends in Exercise and Fitness

Unit 3 Assignment

Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment:

Discuss the importance of exercise and fitness for different age groups.

Identify common barriers that people of different ages may face.

Course Outcome addressed in this assignment:

EF310-2: Discuss the exercise and fitness needs for clients of varying ages.

Assignment Background:

Exercise is critically important for people of all ages. For this assignment, you will discuss the guidelines and benefits of exercise for clients of different ages. As a fitness professional, your job will be to determine a client’s current activity level and whether they are exercising at levels that promote good health and educate them on the benefits of exercising regularly.


Here is the biographical information about three clients of different ages: Justin (age 15), Jennifer (age 35), and Tony (age 79). Select two of the clients and address all three parts of the assignment for each client. Your assignment must be in APA format and utilize references. Expected length is approximately 2–3 pages.

Part 1: Current Activity Level Compared to the Guidelines

For each of your two clients, summarize the physical activity guidelines based on their age and discuss whether your clients are currently meeting the guidelines. If they are meeting the guidelines, discuss how. If they are not meeting the guidelines, identify where they are falling short.

Part 2: Benefits of Physical Activity

For each of your two clients, discuss at least three health-related benefits associated with achieving the recommended amount of activity as outlined in the guidelines. Be sure to discuss age-specific benefits for each client.


EF310 Current Trends in Exercise and Fitness

Unit 5 Assignment

Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment:

Describe the transtheoretical model (TTM) and stages involved in healthy behavior change.

Identify barriers to exercise and recommend solutions to promote the adoption or maintenance of regular exercise.

Course Outcome addressed in this assignment:

EF310-3: Demonstrate understanding of transtheoretical model of change (TTM) and identify motivational strategies and techniques for maintaining or increasing physical activity.

Assignment Background

Before you prescribe an exercise program to a client, you must assess the client’s level of readiness for change and barriers to exercise. By determining a client’s barriers and making recommendations based on TTM, you are better able to provide clients with the tools and support to be successful.


For this assignment, you will conduct two assessments. The first will be a self-assessment, and the second will be on an adult client of your choosing. Your assignment must address all topics outlined below and must be in APA format and utilize references. The expected length is approximately 3–4 pages.

Assignment Directions:

Part 1: TTM Self-Assessment

Identify your current stage of change (pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, or maintenance) in regards to exercise based on Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Be sure to address both aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening in your discussion.

When it comes to exercise, do you consider yourself motivated? If you are not currently exercising, are you motivated to increase your activity level?

Identify at least two barriers you currently face with regards to exercising regularly. If you are not facing any current barriers, identify at least two barriers you may face in the future.

Identify a possible solution to each of the barriers you identified above. What strategies can you employ to either overcome the current barriers you face or prevent the identified barriers in the future? The goal is to overcome barriers to either begin an exercise program or maintain your current exercise program.

Part 2: Client Assessment

To begin, select an adult you know to serve as your client for this assignment. The person should be an adult between the ages of 18–65. Please include the client’s age and gender in your discussion. Interview your client and then address the following in your assessment:

Identify their current stage of change (pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, or maintenance) in regards to exercise based upon Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Be sure to address both aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening in your discussion.

When it comes to exercise, does your client consider themselves motivated? If they are not currently exercising, are they motivated to increase their activity level?

Identify at least two barriers the client currently faces with regards to exercising regularly. If they are not facing any current barriers, identify at least two barriers they may face in the future.

Identify a possible solution to each of the barriers you identified above. What strategies can you suggest to the client to help them overcome the current barriers they face or prevent the identified barriers in the future? The goal is to overcome barriers to either begin an exercise program or maintain their current exercise program.


EF310 Current Trends in Exercise and Fitness

Unit 6 Assignment

Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment:

Understand fitness testing protocols and administer tests to clients.

Apply SMART goals to fitness assessments to recommend fitness improvements.

Course Outcome addressed in this assignment:

EF310-4: Recommend fitness goals based on the administration and results of fitness assessments.

Background: Conducting fitness assessments is critical to developing exercise prescriptions for clients. Before conducting fitness tests, you want to be sure that a client is physically able to complete all tests and, if not, make appropriate modifications. Based on data we gather from baseline testing, including a client’s current lifestyle and fitness level, you can recommend SMART fitness goals that guide the future prescription.

Instructions: For this assignment, you will conduct two assessments. The first will be a self-assessment, and the second will be on an adult client of your choosing. Before performing or administering fitness assessments, you will complete an exercise readiness questionnaire to ensure physical activity is safe and appropriate. Your assignment must address all topics as outlined below and must be in APA format and utilize references. The expected length is approximately 3–4 pages.

Part 1: Exercise Readiness Questionnaire Self-Assessment

Personally complete the Exercise Preparticipation Health Screening Questionnaire available at:

American College of Sports Medicine. (2016). Exercise preparticipation health screening questionnaire for exercise professionals. https://www.exerciseismedicine.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/EIM-exercise-preparticipation-screening.pdf

Discuss your results and whether beginning a physical activity program is safe for you. If you have any risk factors or need to modify any fitness tests, please address them. Please provide your results on the questionnaire in this section.

Part 2: Fitness Testing Self-Assessment

Perform each of the fitness assessments listed below. For each test you perform, provide a detailed description of how the test is administered. In your discussion of each test, include your score and rating. If you are physically unable to perform any of the assessments, you must still describe how the test is administered.


Perform the following fitness tests:

Aerobic Fitness: Choose either the Rockport Walk Test or 12 Minute Run

Muscular Strength: Complete both the Push-Up Test and Curl Up Test

Flexibility: Complete the Sit and Reach

Body Composition: Calculate both your body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-height ratio (WtH)

Part 3: SMART Goals

Based on your fitness scores, identify at least two SMART goals.

Part 4: Exercise Readiness Questionnaire (ERQ) Client Assessment

To begin, select an adult you know to serve as your client for this assignment. The person should be an adult between the ages of 18–65. Please include the client’s age and gender in your discussion. The client should be physically able to safely perform all fitness assessments based on their ERQ.

Complete the Exercise Readiness Questionnaire with your client. Discuss their results and whether beginning a physical activity program is safe for them. If they have any risk factors or need to modify any fitness tests, please address them and provide their results on the questionnaire in this section.

Part 5: Fitness Testing (Client Assessment)

Administer each of the fitness assessments listed below to your client. For each test they perform, provide a detailed description of how the test is administered. In your discussion of each test, include the client’s score and rating. If they are physically unable to perform any of the assessments, you must still describe how the test is administered.

Administer the following fitness tests:

Aerobic Fitness: Choose either the Rockport Walk Test or 12 Minute Run

Muscular Strength: Complete both the Push Up Test and Curl Up Test

Flexibility: Complete the Sit and Reach

Body Composition: Calculate both your body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-height ratio (WtH)

Part 3: SMART Goals

Based on the client’s fitness scores, recommend at least two SMART goals.


EF310 Current Trends in Exercise and Fitness

Unit 7 Assignment

Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment:

Design an exercise program using the FITT-VP principles for each component of fitness

Incorporate fitness assessments and SMART goals into exercise design

Course Outcomes addressed in this assignment:

EF310-5: Design appropriate exercise prescription based on FITT-VP (frequency, intensity, time, type, volume, progression) principles.

GEL-1.03: Demonstrate college-level communication through the oral delivery of original materials in Standard English.

Assignment Background:

The most important part of effective exercise design is creating a detailed plan. To maximize fitness results and limit the risk of injury and/or overtraining/overuse, you want to create prescriptions based on the FITT-VP principles. It is also critically important to consider current fitness levels, goals, and readiness for change when creating a personalized plan.

Instructions Part 1: Personal Exercise Prescription

Based on the assessments you conducted in previous units, you will now create a personalized exercise prescription using the FITT principles for aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises. The expectation is that your prescription will be realistic and based on your current fitness level and goals for improvement. Your exercise plan should use the sample chart format as outlined below and needs to address all areas of FITT. In addition, the prescription needs to be detailed enough that someone can follow it as written. Please submit your exercise prescription as a Word document in the Dropbox.








Aerobic Activity

 Muscle Strengthening

Instructions Part 2: Client Exercise Prescription

You will create an exercise prescription for the client you assessed in the Unit 6 Assignment. You will draft the client’s prescription based on the assessments you previously administered, and the plan will incorporate FITT principles for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises. The expectation is the plan will be realistic and based on the client’s current level of fitness and goals for improvement.

The exercise prescription should use the same sample chart format as outlined above and needs to address all areas of FITT. In addition, the prescription needs to be detailed enough that the client can follow it as written.

For the client prescription, you will complete a PowerPoint presentation. Imagine that you are presenting the prescription to the client. You will provide them with details about the FITT principles, the guidelines, the plan you created, and how they will incorporate progression over time. You will include an audio narration in your PowerPoint. For instructions on creating an audio narration within PowerPoint, please review the Unit 7 Learning Activity.

Your PowerPoint presentation should follow this format:

Slide 1: Summary of the client’s fitness results and SMART goals (Unit 6).

Slide 2: Summary of the guidelines for physical activity based on client’s age. Discuss whether they are currently meeting the guidelines.

Slide 3: Discussion of the FITT-VP principles.

Slide 4: The client’s exercise prescription you created. Provide details the client will need to perform the plan as written.








Aerobic Activity

Muscle Strengthening

Slide 5: Discussion of the progression principle and how the client should apply it to their exercise prescription.

Slide 6: Concluding thoughts about the client’s results, prescription, and goals.

Slide 7: Reference slide, use APA format. See: APA Central for more information.


EF310 Current Trends in Exercise and Fitness

Unit 9 Assignment

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Evaluate and critique fitness and exercise programs.

Define the health risks associated with various diseases.

Explain the impact of exercise on a target population and the benefits of encouraging healthy behaviors.

Course Outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

EF310-6: Evaluate current research outcomes for exercise and fitness programs in the community and/or corporate based setting.

PC-1.2: Contribute to team goals and objectives through active participation and collaboration.

GEL-8.02: Apply Critical Thinking to use principles of sound reasoning.

Assignment Background:

An increasing number of employers are recognizing the importance of encouraging employees to engage in healthy behaviors and implementing programs to assist employees. Many employers have been offering wellness programs for many years and have been evaluated as model programs. Learning more about existing worksite programs can help the fitness professional, employer, and community.


This is a team assignment. Your instructor will assign you to a group (see Announcements for group members). As a group, choose one of the National Healthy Worksite Program Case Studies to review and critique (find the link of all case studies below). Collaborate as a group to answer the questions below about the case study. Group members will need to coordinate to compile all answers into one complete, coherent final assignment. The final assignment should be in APA format and include references.

Each group member will be submitting a copy of the final complete assignment in their own Dropbox. The assignment should include all names of group members. Students will be graded on their collective work.

Note: Team members who do not participate satisfactorily in the team assignment will be graded separate from the rest of the group. Teams should communicate any issues to the instructor.

Choose any CDC National Healthy Worksite Case Study found here:

Employers in Action: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). National healthy worksite program case studies. https://www.cdc.gov/workplacehealthpromotion/tools-resources/employers-in-action/index.html

In your Assignment, discuss the effectiveness of the selected program. Your paper should follow the format below and address all of the following questions:

A brief description of the case study you selected.

According to the case study that you selected, why is it important to address obesity in the workplace or community? Provide specific examples if offered in the selected case study. You are encouraged to utilize additional sources beyond the case study.

How does the case study that you selected incorporate other community stakeholders such as healthcare providers, schools, retail outlets, or public health departments to develop effective interventions targeting obesity or healthy changes? Provide examples offered in your selected case study.

How does the case study you selected address motivational strategies for better health choices for its target audience? For example, incentives for participating in employer weight loss programs. Use specific examples from the case study.

How does the case study you selected support overweight/obese individuals who face barriers to change? How does the program offer support to its target audience? Use specific examples from the case study.

What does the program discussed in your case study hope to gain by offering opportunities for employees to be healthier? Do you believe the program will be effective at helping their employees be successful?

Explanation & Answer

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