Policy Implementation And Improvement

Policy Implementation And Improvement

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Policy analysis is a mainstay of any healthcare administrator. The ability to analyze policy from year to year and implement changes determines the behavior of your employees and the risk mitigation of your department and organization. You must be able to effectively communicate the changes needed for the policy. In this, you are going to research the current suggestions of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) using the following resources:

  • Policy and Strategy at CDC
  • Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings
  • Eliminating Healthcare Associated Infections
  • Policies and Procedures for Healthcare Organizations: A Risk Management Perspective

Then, analyze the following sample policy:

Sample Policy

Purpose: Effective hand hygiene to reduce the incidence of healthcare-associated infections

Policy: All members of the healthcare team will comply with current CDC hand hygiene guidelines.

Procedure Indications for Handwashing

Indications for Handwashing

  1. Wash hands when hands are visibly dirty.
  2. Wash hands using antimicrobial soap and water before eating and after using a restroom.
  3. Handwashing may also be used for routinely decontaminating hands in the following clinical situations:
    • Before having direct contact with patients
    • After contact with inanimate objects (including medical equipment) in the immediate vicinity of the patient
    • After removing gloves

For this assignment, you will respond to the following prompts 

  • How well does this policy align with the current hand hygiene standards based on the CDC recommendations for hand hygiene in healthcare settings? Describe the areas of alignment and opportunities for improvement.
  • Based on your analysis, what modifications would you recommend to the policy?
  • According to the CDC guidelines and resources for hand hygiene and the state policy options associated with Eliminating Healthcare Associated Infections, provide a brief discussion of what you must consider with regard to training your staff and documenting the impact by measuring hand hygiene practices.
  • Now, review the Guidelines for Policy and Procedure Development, and write the policy based on your recommendations and what you found in the CDC guidelines. Submit the revised policy also.  Any changes remitted from the CDC policy should be defended

Be sure to cite properly and provide two scholarly resources to support your work 

Explanation & Answer

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