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Community Problem Paper


As a result of the field work / practicum in community/population health settings students will work with faculty and preceptors to identify appropriate community problems based on community assessments of students’ resident or employment areas. Utilizing information initially gathered from the windshield survey and further supported by the formal community assessments, county and local (zip code) and/or other relative data sources, the student will identify a community problems that can be addressed by nursing interventions.  Students will develop a scholarly paper that will propose an evidence based intervention that reflects an understanding of the community’s resources, culture, and social determinates of health, healthy people 2020 goals, and collaborative practice models

The topic must be approved by the course instructor. The format is as follows

 1. Introduction:  Briefly describe the Community – giving a relevant profile that introduces the problem

 2. Statement of the Problem:  Background and Significance in context of the community consider         overview of the topic as presented via the current literature (relatable to your community profile)

 3. Integrate the relevant correlates in the community that impact the commonly problem with support

      from the literature                                                                                                

 4.    Discuss the of problem and relationship relevant social determinants of health, culture, HP 2020,


  5.  Recommendation for practice – Apply evidence based practice interventions include current or   

         proposed collaborative partners and community resources

    6.   Grammar/Paper format/Organization: Scholarship is important – Use University or online   

           Resources as   necessary

     7.    References: APA Format and Style required throughout paper – Maximum pages – 10excludes

             cover and reference page   (abstract not required )



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