NR714 Full Course Latest 2017 November
Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November
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dq 1
1: Integrative versus Systematic Review of Evidence
1111 unread replies.3232 replies.
Derived from your healthcare experience,
describe the differences between integrative versus systematic review of
evidence from an advanced nursing practice perspective.
dq 2
Week 1:
Comprehensive Systematic Review of Evidence
2222 unread replies.3535 replies.
Derived from your healthcare experience,
describe the impact of the comprehensive systematic review of evidence on a
selected healthcare stakeholder (patient, family, organization, or the
profession) from an advanced nursing practice perspective.
Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November
dq 1
2: Qualitative versus Quantitative Research Methods and Analysis
2121 unread replies.3737 replies.
Derived from your healthcare experience,
determine the utility in differentiating qualitative from quantitative research
methods and analysis from an advanced nursing practice perspective
dq 2
Week 2:
Metasynthesis versus Meta-Analysis Measurement and Monitoring
2323 unread replies.3434 replies.
Derived from your healthcare experience,
determine the utility in differentiating metasynthesis from meta-analysis
measurement and monitoring from an advanced nursing practice perspective.
Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November
dq 1
Week 3:
Partial Economic Evaluation
2929 unread replies.4141 replies.
Derived from your healthcare experience,
determine the components of partial economic evaluation from an advanced
nursing practice perspective.
dq 2
Week 3: Full
Economic Evaluation
2020 unread replies.3232 replies.
Derived from your healthcare experience,
determine the components of full economic evaluation from an advanced nursing
practice perspective.
Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November
dq 1
Week 4:
Leveling of Qualitative, Quantitative, and Economic Evidence in Advanced
Nursing Practice
2424 unread replies.3535 replies.
Articulate the knowledge, skills, and
integrative abilities necessary for leveling qualitative, quantitative, and
economic evidence that serve to shape the advanced nursing practice
dq 2
Week 4:
Grading of Qualitative, Quantitative, and Economic Evidence in Advanced Nursing
No unread replies.3535 replies.
Articulate the knowledge, skills, and
integrative abilities necessary for grading qualitative, quantitative, and
economic evidence that serve to shape the advanced nursing practice environment.
Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November
Week 5: Power Analysis in Advanced Nursing Practice
1515 unread replies.3030 replies.
Examine potential power analysis contributions that serve to
improve the advanced nursing practice environment.
dq 2
5: Reliability Versus Validity in Advanced Nursing Practice
2121 unread replies.2929 replies.
Examine potential reliability and validity contributions that
serve to improve the advanced nursing practice environment.
Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November
dq 1
6: Differentiating Quantitative and Qualitative Research
11 unread reply.4242 replies.
Differentiate selected quantitative versus qualitative research
designs that shape a preferred evidence-based practice environment.
dq 2
6: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Procedures
11 unread reply.3232 replies.
Differentiate selected quantitative versus qualitative procedures
including appropriate data collection, levels of measurement, and sampling considerations.
Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November
dq 1
7: Issues Related to Descriptive Analysis
2424 unread replies.3535 replies.
Formulate effective strategies for descriptive analysis that
contribute to evidence-based quality improvement.
dq 2
7: Nonparametric Versus Parametric, Inferential, and Multivariate Analysis
11 unread reply.3838 replies.
Formulate effective strategies in planning and selection of
appropriate statistical analysis that contribute to evidence-based quality
Week 8 Discussion Latest 2017 November
8: Using Outcomes Assessment to Differentiate Original Research From Quality
1010 unread replies.1010 replies.
Differentiate original research from quality improvement using outcomes
assessment in advanced nursing practice.
NR714 Week 5 Systematic and Integrative Review Latest 2017 November
Systematic and Integrative Review
of Selected Practice Query
The purpose of this applicationis to provide the student an
opportunity to develop a systematic and integrative review of selected practice
Course Outcomes
This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet
the following Course Outcomes:
CO1: Formulate PICOT/PICoT questions relevant to advanced nursing
practice (PO #3).
CO2: Utilize comprehensive systematic-review skills necessary for
evidence-based practice (PO #5).
CO3: Critically appraise level and quality of evidence related to
a selected advanced nursing practice issue (PO #3).
CO5: Evaluate appropriateness of a qualitative research design for
a selected PICoT question (PO #3).
CO6: Evaluate appropriateness of a quantitative research design
for a selected PICOT question (PO #3).
CO7: Evaluate appropriateness of an economic research design for a
selected economic appraisal of evidence (PO #3).
CO9: Analyze qualitative, quantitative, and economic data for the
purposes of critical appraisal of evidence (PO #3).
CO10: Evaluate selected statistical methods for the purposes of
critical appraisal of evidence (PO #5).
This assignment is worth a total of 265 points.
Due Date
Submit your completed assignment by Sunday11:59 p.m. MT of Week 5,
as directed.
1. To complete this application, you will need to access to the
following databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and the Joanna Briggs
Institute. You may access these databases through the Chamberlain College of
Nursing Online Library. The library has a main menu available at a link for Research Help in the
left-hand menu.
2. TheSystematic and Integrative
Review of Selected Practice Querypaper is worth 250 points
and will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard
English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the
required components as summarized in the directions and grading
3. Create your report using Microsoft Word(a part of Microsoft
Office), which is the required format for all Chamberlain College of Nursing
documents. You can tell that the document is saved as a Microsoft Word document
because it will end in .docx.
4. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any
questions about this project may be posted under the Q&A forum.
5. The length of the project report is to be no less than 6 and no
greater than 8 pages excluding title page and reference pages.
6. APA format is required with both a title page and reference
page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headings (upper and
lower case, centered, boldface):
Note: Introduction—Write an
introduction to thesystematic and integrative review of selected practice
query, but do not useIntroduction as
a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in thePublication manual of the American Psychological Association(2010, p.
63).APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the
required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case,
a. Description of systematic and integrative review of selected
practice query(both integrative and systematic review of evidence)
b. Presentation of systematic and integrative review of selected
practice query analysisincluding quantitative, qualitative, and economic
c. Conclusion
Preparing the Project Report
The following are best practices for preparing this project
1. When introducing the systematic and integrative review of
selected practice query, be sure to include pertinent background information
regarding the topic (who, what, where, when, and why).
2. When describing the selected practice query, be sure to fully
identify and address evidence using a synthesis (integrative review citing
areas of agreement and disagreement among authors) approach for the written
summary and embed or attach the evidence table (systematic review citing
leveling and grading of evidence) using the template found in Course Resources.
3. When presenting the systematic and integrative review of
selected practice query analysis, be sure to fully incorporate evidence
fromquantitative, qualitative, and economic sources.
Week 8 You Decide Reflection Latest 2017 November
You Decide Reflection
The purpose of this applicationis to provide the student an
opportunity to reflect on selected DNP competencies acquired through the NR714
This assignment provides documentation of student ability to
meet the following course outcomes:
CO1: Formulate PICOT/PICoT questions relevant to advanced
nursing practice (PO #3).
CO4: Compare and contrast differences and similarities with
selected characteristics of qualitative, quantitative, and economic research
designs (PO #3).
CO5: Evaluate appropriateness of a qualitative research
design for a selected PICoT question (PO #3).
CO6: Evaluate appropriateness of a quantitative research
design for a selected PICOT question (PO #3).
CO8: Demonstrate understanding of mixed-method research and
the strategy of triangulation design (PO #3).
CO12: Demonstrate advanced nursing practice skills necessary
for outcome assessment, measurement, and evaluation (PO #5).
This assignment is worth a total of 100 points.
Due Date
Submit your completed application under the Dropbox tab
by Wednesday11:59 p.m. MT of Week 8 as directed.
1. The You Decide Reflectionis worth 100 points
and will be graded on quality of self-assessment, use of citations, use of
Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on
the required components as summarized in the directions and grading
2. Create your essay using Microsoft Word(a part of
Microsoft Office), which is the required format for all Chamberlain College of
Nursing documents. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word
document because it will end in “.docx”
3. Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any
questions about your essay may be posted under the Q&A forum.
4. The length of the reflection is to be within three to six
pages excluding title page and reference pages.
5. APA format is required with both a title page and
reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers
(upper and lower case, centered):
Note: Introduction – Write an introduction but do not use
“Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication
manual of the American Psychological Association(2010, p. 63).
a. You Decide Reflection
b. Conclusion
Your Reflection
The DNP Essentials (AACN, 2006)outline a
number of analytical methods for evidence-based practicecompetencies for
theDNP-prepared nurse. Reflect on the NR714 course readings, discussion
threads, and applications you have completed across this course and write a
reflective essay regarding the extent to which you feel you are now prepared
1. “Use analytic methods to critically appraise existing
literature and other evidence to determine and implement the best evidence for
2. Design and implement processes to evaluate outcomes of
practice, practice patterns, and systems of care within a practice setting,
healthcare organization, or community against national benchmarks to determine
variances in practice outcomes and population trends.
3. Design, direct, and evaluate quality improvement
methodologies to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and
patient-centered care.
4. Apply relevant findings to develop practice guidelines
and improve practice and the practice environment.
5. Use information technology and research methods
appropriately to:
a. collect appropriate and accurate data to generate
evidence for nursing practice
b. inform and guide the design of databases that generate
meaningful evidence for nursing practice
c. analyze data from practice
d. design evidence-based interventions
e. predict and analyze outcomes
f. examine patterns of behavior and outcomes
g. identify gaps in evidence for practice
6. Function as a practice specialist/consultant in
collaborative knowledge-generating research.
7. Disseminate findings from evidence-based practice and
research to improve healthcare outcomes” (AACN, 2006, p. 12).
American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN].
(2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing
practice.Washington, DC: Author.
NR714 Week
7 Module 1 Quiz Latest 2017 November (all correct answers)
Question 1
3.25 / 3.25 pts
Which of the examples below demonstrates generalizability?
A commercial endotracheal tube stabilizer was tested in the ICU at
a rural hospital and found to be effective in preventing device-related
circumoral pressure ulcers. The Chief Nursing Officer has now approved the
device to be used in the Burn Unit.
A new pain medication was shown to be effective in a group of
osteoarthritis patients in a major metropolitan city and subsequently has been
approved for use for all osteoarthritis patients nationwide.
A new helmet law was implemented in a Midwestern state. In
response to this new legislation, hospital X has begun to give free helmets to
patients upon discharge.
A second generation antihypertensive drug is FDA-approved and
added to the DNP curriculum in a major university.
Question 2
3.25 / 3.25 pts
Which of the following examples demonstrates transferability?
You read a research article that reported that music therapy
decreased anxiety in pre-operative patients. Subsequently you obtained approval
to use music therapy at your hospital with pre-operative patients.
You identify several key research studies in your hospital’s
searchable database and transfer them to your personal files.
A nurse implements a new evidence-based intervention aimed at
reducing ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). He is unable to adhere to the
demanding work schedule and is transferred to another unit.
You conduct a randomized control trial (RCT) with a sample of
Myasthenia Gravis patients. You are now able to apply this statistically
significant RCT to the general population of Myasthenia Gravis patients.
Question 3
3.25 / 3.25 pts
All of the statements are true of transferability EXCEPT:
If there are sufficient similarities between the research and our
own clinical situation, we may be able to infer that the results of the
research would be similar in our situation.
When reading a research article, we note certain characteristics
of the study and consider the applicability to our own clinical practice.
We must know as much as possible about the original research in
order to determine if the results are applicable to our own practice.
We can transfer or apply any study results to our own practice as
long as the study was reliable and valid.
Question 4
3.25 / 3.25 pts
The concept of transferability is constantly applied in everyday
life. Some examples include (Select all that apply)
A professor sits in on a colleague’s class to see if he can apply
new and effective teaching techniques in his own classroom.
A busy nurse, wife and mother, on her day off watches a cooking
show to determine what quick, easy and nutritious meals she can prepare for her
An individual is engaged in a conversation with a friend about the
benefits about a new vehicle that would add convenience to her own life.
A neighbor tells you that he has come up with a new health plan
for him and his family and that everyone in the world should adopt this same
Question 5
3.25 / 3.25 pts
Examples of generalizability in everyday life include (Select all
that apply)
As health care professionals, we make the assumption that poor
diet and lack of exercise puts individuals at risk for diseases such as
diabetes and heart disease.
In the United States, we make the assumption that everyone will
drive on the right side of the road.
We make the generalization that everyone in the United States
speaks English and abides by American customs.
We make the assumption that driving under the influence of drugs
or alcohol can lead to accidents.
Question 6
3.25 / 3.25 pts
You overhear two nurse colleagues talking about a research study
on Diabetes, recently conducted at your hospital. You hear them say, “The
results showed that children with Type II Diabetes responded well to a new
anti-hyperglycemia drug at our hospital. We can now generalize our findings to
women with pregnancy-induced Diabetes.” You are excited to join their
conversation. What is the most appropriate response?
“I couldn’t help but to overhear your conversation about our
exciting Diabetes research study. I am excited because women all over the world
with pregnancy-induced Diabetes will finally have an effective drug to control
their hyperglycemia.”
“I couldn’t help but to overhear your conversation about our
exciting Diabetes research study. Since our study was aimed at children with
Type II Diabetes, we cannot generalize our results women with pregnancy-induced
“I couldn’t help but to overhear your conversation about our
exciting Diabetes research study. We can generalize our findings because we
used a nonprobability sample.”
“I couldn’t help but to overhear your conversation about our
exciting Diabetes research study. Generalization is feasible because we have a
very large sample size.”
Question 7
3.25 / 3.25 pts
You read a research article on a study aimed at reducing central
line associated blood stream infections (CLBSIs). The authors report that a
detailed protocol using chlorhexidine was statistically significant in reducing
CLABSIs by 98% in their study sample of 5678 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
(NICU) patients. Which of the following statements is accurate?
The findings from the CLABSI study can be applied or transferred
to a neonatal intensive care unit at your hospital to reduce CLABSIs.
While the findings are impressive and statistically significant,
further research is warranted in NICU patients.
The findings can be generalized to an adult ICU in a Magnet
hospital in Beirut, Lebanon.
The findings from this study can be generalized to a general
Respiratory ICU unit at the same hospital.
Question 8
3.25 / 3.25 pts
When reviewing research study results aimed at reducing fall rates
among elderly patients at hospital X, which statement most likely indicates
representativeness of the sample related to the general target population at
The sample consisted of 50 elderly patients on Central Nervous
System depressant drugs that put the study patients at risk for falls.
The sample consisted of a randomly selected subset of 6000 elderly
patients over a 1-year time frame.
The sample consisted of 200 elderly outpatients on a strict health
regimen consisting of probiotics, exercise and adequate nutrition and not
taking any prescription drugs.
The sample consisted of 100 elderly patients whom ranged in age
from 65-70 years in the study over a 1 week period.
Question 9
3.25 / 3.25 pts
You have been asked to select a random sample of 1000 patients in
your 5-hospital system for a proposed study aimed at reducing hospital
readmissions. Each of the 5 hospitals has 600 beds. Which of the following
approaches is best?
You spend a week going from room to room in each hospital,
explaining the study to each patient and asking for volunteers for the study,
making a list of the 1000 patient names who agree to participate.
You ascertain a list of all patient names and room numbers from
each of the 5 hospitals and call each patient room asking for patient
volunteers for the study.
You post flyers at the nursing stations of each unit at all 5
hospitals and explain the proposed study to the nursing staff. The nursing
staff will recruit patients and contact you with the names and contact
information for each patient who is interested up to 1000.
You obtain a list of all patient names in each of the 5 hospitals
in the system and assign each name a numerical value. Using a table of random
numbers, you select 1000 numbers (patients).
Question 10
3.25 / 3.25 pts
A nurse colleague wants to survey nurses on his unit to determine
the level of RN satisfaction. He proposes to administer a pre-test survey and
design a practice change based on the results. He then proposes to administer a
post-test to determine if the new intervention was effective. You recognize
right away that the sample will be a nonprobability, nonrandom or convenience
sample. All of the statements below are accurate EXCEPT:
A convenience sample in this case is appropriate because the nurse
simply wants to make an effective practice change on his unit directly.
Findings from this proposed study cannot be generalized to the
larger population of RNs.
Findings from this proposed study can be transferred to other
units in the hospital.
The proposed study will not be reliable or valid because the
sample will not be randomly selected.
NR714 Week
7 Module 2 Quiz Latest 2017 November (all correct answers)
Question 1
3.25 / 3.25 pts
In the hospital research committee, the group discusses an idea
for a research proposal aimed at improving patient outcomes related to
prevention of hospital acquired dermal ulcers. One of the team members asks why
a power analysis must be done. What is the best response?
The power analysis must be conducted for every research study to
meet national regulations.
The power analysis is not a requirement and foregoing this
analysis will not have an impact on the study.
The power analysis is not necessary as long as the research
investigator makes sure as many subjects are included in the study as possible.
The primary goal of the power analysis is to decide how large a
sample is needed to enable statistical judgments that are accurate and
Question 2
3.25 / 3.25 pts
You are reading a research article on a nursing study directed at
gathering knowledge from 100 new mothers on the benefits of breast feeding. You
see that a Likert scale was used where 1 indicates no knowledge and 5 indicates
a lot of knowledge. The data reveals sixty-seven 1s and twenty-eight 5s, with
three 2s and two 4s. You know that this study as a wide _______ of scores.
standard deviation
Question 3
3.25 / 3.25 pts
As you read more closely into the study results, you see that the
scores of the new nursing mothers are very far from the mean or average score.
You think back on your research class and realize that that this means that the
study scores have a large _______________.
standard deviation
Question 4
3.25 / 3.25 pts
Another study results show all of the scores in the center of the
distribution curve. In other words, the average or mean scores are 50%. This
means that the study has very little or limited (select all that apply)
Question 5
3.25 / 3.25 pts
You are talking to a nurse colleague who is proposing to conduct
an innovative research study using warming blankets on patient pre-surgery to
determine if post-operative complications are reduced. He tells you that he
does not plan to perform a power analysis because he is including all patients
scheduled for surgery over the next 6 months which will give him a sample size
well over 4000 subjects. Which of the responses below is the most appropriate?
“Performing a power analysis helps to make sure that more subjects
are not included than is necessary because excess resources may be used with
little added benefit to the study.”
“That is great that you have such a high number of subjects, as
the large number of subjects will increase the reliability of your study.”
“Too many subjects will decrease the reliability of the study,
regardless of cost.”
“That is a good sample size, but did you get approval for subject
payment to make sure there is enough money in the research budget?”
Question 6
3.25 / 3.25 pts
You overhear nurse colleagues talking just before an Institutional
Review Board (IRB) meeting? They are debating as to which topic is more
critical in research, cost effectiveness or scientific usefulness of the study.
As a more seasoned researcher, you join the conversation in order to help
resolve the debate. Which of the responses below is best?
“Scientific usefulness in research far outweighs cost
“Cost effectiveness is paramount. After all, without financial
stewardship and resources, the study cannot effectively be conducted.”
“Neither of those issues are important. Cost should not impede
scientific inquire. Further, we will not know how useful the research is until
we get results.”
“You are both correct. Cost effectiveness in research is equally
as important as scientific usefulness.”
Question 7
3.25 / 3.25 pts
You are leading the Research Council and part of the agenda is to
report to the team that a power analysis will be conducted prior to starting
the study. The rationale for conducting the power analysis is to (Select all
that apply)
decide how large a sample is needed to enable statistical
judgments that are accurate and reliable.
avoid making a Type II Error.
avoid having a sample larger than necessary.
avoid making a Type I Error.
Question 8
3.25 / 3.25 pts
You have been asked to present the four major measures of
variability to your hospital research team, including: (Select of all Apply)
range and interquartile range
standard deviation
Question 9
3.25 / 3.25 pts
A Nurse Practitioner tells you that she wants to conduct a
research study and set the alpha level to <0.05. Which type of error is she
trying to avoid?
Type II Error – she will have a less than 5% chance of incorrectly
accepting the null hypothesis
Type I Error – she will have a 95% chance of incorrectly rejecting
the null hypothesis
Type I Error – she will have a less than 5% chance of incorrectly
rejecting the null hypothesis
Type II Error – she will have a 95% chance of incorrectly
accepting the null hypothesis
Question 10
3.25 / 3.25 pts
A colleague tells you that she wants to conduct a study, but is
afraid of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis. In other words, she does
not want to make an error and reject the notion that the medication is not
effective (accepting that a new chemotherapeutic agent is effective when it is
not). This could mean that a cancer patient is taking a drug that is not
killing cancer cells which would be detrimental to the patient. This nurse is
justified in her fear of making which type of error?
Type IV
Type III
Type I
Type II
NR714 Week
7 Module 3 Quiz Latest 2017 November (all correct answers)
Question 1
3.25 / 3.25 pts
In trying to set an appropriate range of 95% that focuses on
the population used to estimate a characteristic of a population where the
numbers can be stated with the probability that the population characteristic
is included between them, we are setting a
t-test limit
confidence level
Question 2
3.25 / 3.25 pts
The term that captures the entire target group of
individuals under study is referred to a
confidence interval
Question 3
3.25 / 3.25 pts
You are conducting a research study on the effectiveness of
normal saline administered subdermally compared to lidocaine to reduce pain
during IV insertion. If subjects getting lidocaine are in the experimental
group, the subjects getting the inert normal saline are in the
control group
preliminary group
sample group
research group
Question 4
3.25 / 3.25 pts
The same colleague asks you now to define the sample in
research. Which is the most accurate response?
“The sample is a
subset of the population that the researcher intends to study.”
“The sample is a
group of individuals used in a pilot study before the actual study is
“The sample is a
small group of study participants who drop out of a research study.”
“The sample refers
to a partial subject payment paid to study participants at the start of a
research study.”
Question 5
3.25 / 3.25 pts
In the inner city study investigating the impact on air
quality on childhood asthma, what is the study sample?
“The study sample is
a randomly selected
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