NR530 week 2 assignment july 2021

Due Date

This assignment is due Sunday 11:59 pm MT at the end of week 2. 

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Total Points Possible: 200 Points (Concept Map: 30 points; Paper: 170 points)

Assignment Overview

Please note: Both the week 2 and week 6 assignments require you to identify a population as the subject for the assignment. It is expected that the selected population for the week 2 assignment will be different from the population you select for the week 6 assignment.

Identify one population served in your current nursing practice (or in a previous nursing role) as the subject for this assignment.  Explore current scholarly sources to better understand the health-related risks and problems facing this group of people.  Consider how the Social Ecological Model can be applied to understand factors influencing the health of this population, and implications for practice across the pillars of population health.   

Once you have prepared for the assignment, construct each of the two required elements noted below:

Part 1: Concept Map

Create a concept may to portray the elements noted below and their interrelationships.  The concept must be your own original work, must include your name and date, and must be submitted as either a pdf or word document.

Include the following elements in the concept map, and follow submission guidelines noted below:

  1. Selected population
  2. Health risks/problems experienced (minimum of 2)
  3. Levels of the Social Ecological Model
  4. Influencing factors that shape the health of the identified population (minimum of 1 factor for each level within the model)
  5. Interrelationships between the elements noted above

Part 2: Paper

Develop a two- to four-page scholarly paper including a minimum of four scholarly sources, current within five years, to support your work.  Follow the assignment criteria and rubric expectations noted below to construct a scholarly paper that includes:

  • Introduction
  • Selected Population
  • Application of Social Ecological Model
  • Implications for Nursing (Implications within the Pillars of Population Health)
  • Conclusion

Assignment Instructions

  1. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.
  2. Part I: Concept Map – Create and submit a concept map as a pdf or word document.
    • Concept map may be either
      • Neatly drawn by hand and submitted as a pdf, or
      • Created using Microsoft word.
    • Concept map must be clear and legible.
    • Concept map must be the student’s original work.
    • Concept map must include the student’s name and date.
  3. Part 2: Paper – Create the written paper using Microsoft Word.
  4. Sources older than five years may not be used without the permission of the class professor.
  5. Scholarly sources required for the assignment must be sources that are separate from course-related sources and/or reading assignments.
    • If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must be in addition to the minimum number of scholarly sources required for the assignment.
    • If used as a source in the assignment, course-related sources or readings must meet the criteria for scholarly work current within five years.
  6. Title page,  pagination, subheadings, body of paper, citation of sources, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual.
  7. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure are followed and consistent with formal, scholarly writing as noted in the APA Manual (current edition).
  8. No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment.
  9. First person should not be used within this assignment.

Revision Policy

If you do not receive at least a proficient rating in any content category, you can re-submit your assignment with revision to that content category to improve the points earned within that specific section.  Please note the following guidelines:

  • After receiving your assignment grade, you have one opportunity to resubmit.
  • In order to resubmit, your initial submission must have been a complete assignment. Rough drafts will not be graded or allowed for resubmission.
  • Only content sections that did not receive at least a proficient rating with the first submission may be revised to earn a better score in that content category. APA format and writing style will not be re-graded.
  • Any revision must be submitted for re-evaluation within 7 days after the assignment grade is posted. For example, if your assignment grade is posted on Friday at 12 noon MT, you have until the following Friday at 12 noon MT to resubmit any content area that did not earn a proficient rating.
  • Within 7 days from your resubmission, the class instructor will post your score for the resubmitted work.

Steps to follow for resubmission of a content section within an assignment that did not earn a proficient rating on the rubric:

  • Contact your class instructor privately via email, phone, or Canvas private message to inform him/her that you plan to resubmit a content section of the assignment that did not receive a proficient rating on the rubric.
  • Submit the assignment in its entirety (including the rewritten content section) within 7 days of the original assignment grade being posted.

Assignment Criteria

Assessment Criteria




Part 1 – Concept Map



An original, student-created concept map is submitted that portrays the following:

  • Selected population
  • Health risks/problems experienced by the identified population (minimum of 2)
  • All 4 levels of the Social Ecological Model
  • Influencing factors that shape the health of the selected population at each level within the Social Ecological Model (minimum of one factor per level)
  • Interrelationships and connections that exist between the elements on the concept map
  • Submission guidelines are followed

Part 2 – Paper:




In this section you will:

  • Provide opening statements regarding the importance of population-focused practice to improve health outcomes
  • Identify the selected population to be examined
  • Identify the sections of the paper
  • Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to support information presented

Part 2 – Paper:

Selected Population



In this section you will:

  • Describe the selected population
  • Explain the health risks/problems experienced by this population (minimum of 2)
  • Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to support information presented

Part 2 – Paper:

Application of Social Ecological Model



In this section you will:

  • Provide an overview of the concept map as it portrays the application of the Social Ecological Model  to the health of the selected population
  • Discuss specific influencing factors that shape the health of the selected population at the individual, relationship, community, and society levels (minimum of 1 influencing factor per level)
  • Discuss how the influencing factors impact the health risks/problems noted in the previous section
  • Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to support information presented

Part 2 – Paper: Implications and Recommendations for Nursing Practice



In this section you will:

  • Discuss implications for nursing practice within each of the three pillars (public health system, clinical healthcare system, and public policy) regarding the health of this population
  • Propose specific recommendations for practice based upon findings (minimum of 1 recommendation per pillar)
  • Integrate sufficient scholarly literature to support information presented

Part 2 – Paper: Conclusion 



In this section you will:

  • Include a concise summary of key points regarding the population, health risks/problems experienced, and influencing factors.
  • Provide concluding statements regarding implications for population-focused nursing practice

Graduate-level Writing Style



For full credit in this section, all of the following criteria must be met:

  • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure
  • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing
  • Scholarly, professional writing tone with no use of first person
  • Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less)
  • Correct APA format for the following:
    • Page numbering
    • Font style and size
    • Margins and spacing
    • Headings; subheadings
    • Citation and referencing sources
    • Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)

Quality of Literature Support

It is an expectation that a minimum of 4 scholarly sources, current within five years, are integrated within the assignment.

If the above expectation is not met, 5 points shall be deducted.

Assignment Length Criteria

It is an expectation that the paper is a minimum of 2 pages in length, and a maximum of 4 pages (not including the concept map, title or reference pages).

If the above expectation is not met, 5 points shall be deducted.




A quality assignment will meet or exceed the above requirements.


Explanation & Answer

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