nr390 all Course Project Milestone 1,2 and 3 latest 2016 nov

NR390 Course Project Milestone 1 Guidelines

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To apply lessons in nursing history to living nurses contributing to nursing history through an interview and recording of historical information

Course Outcomes

The Course Project enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes0.

CO 1. Incorporate appropriate historical perspectives into current professional nursing practice. (PO #2)

CO 4. Compare current professional nursing practice roles with historical roles of the nurse. (PO #7)


The entire project is worth 600 points. Milestone 1 is worth 100 points of this total.

Due Date

Submit your completed NR390 Milestone 1 to its Dropbox by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 1.

Requirements and Guidelines

1. Nursing history is being made today by exemplary nurses throughout the world. Select one registered nurse who is creating nursing history to be the subject of this project. This RN must have at least 15 years of RN licensure. The nurse could be a family member, friend, colleague, acquaintance, manager, former instructor, or other nurse who is creating, delivering, or influencing the practice of nursing in your area. Do not select a former or current patient. Remember that a nurse does not have to create a nursing theory, write textbooks, or be the head of a nursing organization to make nursing history. The chief nurse executive who manages to deliver quality care in a small rural hospital with a tiny budget has a story worth telling. The nurse who served in the military has a story that is important to document as nursing history. The staff nurse who consistently provides high-quality care is making history. History is not merely the major accomplishments or events, but includes the activities nurses everywhere do in their nursing lives. Milestone 1 is due at the end of Week 1.

2. Clearly explain to the selected nurse that statements made in the interview will be recorded (audio, video, and/or written) and submitted to instructor. The interview is not intended for public access.

3. Obtain permission from the selected nurse to participate in an interview about his or her

a. memories of nursing and nursing education;

b. contributions to nursing; and

c. persons or events that have influenced his or her nursing practice.

4. Carefully review the Milestone 1 Grading Criteria and Grading Rubric. Complete only Milestone 1 requirements at this time.

5. Download the Milestone 1 Template. Save it to your computer in Microsoft Word 2010 (or later) as a .docx file with the file name Your Last Name Milestone 1.docx. Type directly on your saved Milestone 1 Template. Submit your completed Milestone 1 as instructed by Sunday of Week 1.

6. NOTE: Do not complete the interview at this time.

Course Project Milestone 1 Template

Directions: Prior to completing this template, carefully review Course Project Milestone 1 Guidelines, paying particular attention to how to name the document and all rubric requirements. After saving the document to your computer, type your answers directly on this template and save again. This assignment is due by the end of Week 1 by 11:59 p.m. MT.

Your Name: __________________________

Assignment Criteria

Answers (note: see Milestone 1 Rubric for details required in each area)

Name of Selected Nurse

15 points

Years Selected Nurse Has Been an RN

15 points

Your Relationship With Selected Nurse

25 points

Why You Selected This Nurse

45 points

week 3

NR390 Course Project
Milestone 2 Guidelines


To apply lessons in nursing history to
living nurses contributing to nursing history through an interview and
recording of historical information

Course Outcomes

The Course Project enables the student to
meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO 1.
Incorporate appropriate historical perspectives into current professional
nursing practice. (PO #2)

CO 4. Compare
current professional nursing practice roles with historical roles of the nurse.
(PO #7)


The entire project is worth 600 points.
Milestone 2 is worth 200 points of this total.

Due Date

Submit your completed NR390 Milestone 2 to its
Dropbox by the end of Week 3 at 11:59 p.m. MT.

Requirements and Guidelines

1. Carefully review this Milestone 2 Guidelines document rubric and the
Milestone 2 Template.

2. Download the Milestone 2 Template. Save it to your computer in
Microsoft Word 2010 (or later) as a .docx file with the file name Your Last
Name Milestone 2.docx.

3. Carefully review the rubric criteria for Milestone 2 and type
directly on your saved Milestone 2 Template. Note that some of the questions
have been provided for you on the template.

4. Submit your completed Milestone 2 to the Dropbox as instructed by
Sunday of Week 3.

5. After return of the graded Milestone 2, use faculty feedback to revise
areas and questions for a superior interview. Revisions do not need to be submitted
to faculty for approval.

NOTE: The date of the interview must be after Friday of
Week 4 to allow your instructor time to grade your Milestone 2 and provide you
with feedback (unless you have received prior permission from your instructor).
If the interviewee’s schedule requires that you do the interview before that
date, consult your instructor regarding early submission of Milestone 2 to
ensure that you receive comments in time to incorporate revisions before the
interview. Thank you.

IMPORTANT:Remember that the
interview must be a face-to-face or phone interview where you can ask questions
of the nurse, the nurse can respond, and you can provide your response. It is
not acceptable to use e-mail, text messages, or any other written method to
have the nurse write or type the answers. Contact your instructor if you have
questions. Thank you.

Grading Criteria

2 Grading Criteria:




Description: See Rubric for Details

Scheduled Date and Location of Interview



date and location of interview are clearly identified (date of interview must
be after Friday of Week 4)

Interview Recording Method



Method planned
for documenting and recording the interview (written, audio, or audio-video)
clearly identified

Milestone 3 Submission Method



Method to
be used to submit Milestone 3 (including interview) for scoring is clearly
identified (typed on the Milestone 3 Template, audio, or audio-video)

NOTE: If the submission
method is audio or audio-video, you must submit a test recording to the
Milestone 3 Dropbox by the end of Week 4. Faculty will respond to confirm whether
the recording downloaded and played correctly. If not, you will need to
instead submit Milestone 3 in the typed Template version.

Primary Question



Lists one
(1) detailed primary question to ask the nurse specific to that nurse’s history
in addition to the four primary questions provided on the template (avoiding
questions about opinions, advice, or future topics)

Follow-Up Questions



Each of five
primary questions has two detailed follow-up questions clearly related to the
topic of primary question and designed to elicit more detail on the topic of
that primary question (note that three primary questions have one follow-up
question already provided for you). All questions must be specific and
related to the nurse’s history and contributions. Avoid questions about
opinions, advice, or future topics.

Questions Are Open Ended



questions open ended without the possibility of a yes or no answer

Points Possible = 200 100%

Milestone 2 Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria


Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance


Very Good or High Level of Performance


Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance


Poor, Failing, or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Scheduled Date and Location of Interview

30 points

Scheduled date and location of interview clearly identified (and date
is after Friday of Week 4)

28–30 points

Scheduled date or location of interview identified (date is after
Friday of Week 4)


Scheduled date or location of interview identified (date is not after
Friday of Week 4)

22–24 points

Does not clearly identify scheduled date (or date is before Friday of
Week 4) and location of interview

0–21 points

Interview Recording Method

20 points

Method planned for documenting or recording the interview (written,
audio, or audio-video) clearly identified along with the hardware and
software used for audio or AV methods

18–20 points

Method planned for documenting or recording the interview (written,
audio, or audio-video) clearly identified


Method planned for documenting or recording the interview (written,
audio, or audio-video) lacks clarity

15 points

Method planned for documenting or recording the interview (written,
audio, or audio-video) not identified or poorly identified

0–14 points

Milestone 3 Submission Method

20 points

Method to be used to submit Milestone 3 to be graded (written on the
Milestone 3 Template, audio, or audio-video) clearly identified

18–20 points

Method to be used to submit Milestone 3 to be graded (typed on the
Milestone 3 Template, audio, or audio-video) lacks clarity


Method to be used to submit Milestone 3 to be graded (typed on the
Milestone 3 Template, audio, or audio-video) inaccurate or not one of the approved

15 points

Method to be used to submit Milestone 3 inaccurate or not identified

0–14 points

Questions to Be Asked

Primary Question

30 points

Lists one detailed primary question to ask the nurse specifically regarding
that nurse’s history (in addition to the four primary questions provided on the
template). No questions are about the nurse’s opinions, advice, or future

28–30 points

Lists one primary question (in addition to the four primary questions
provided on the template). The questions are somewhat specific and somewhat related
to this nurse’s history. No questions are about opinions, advice, or future

25–27 points

Lists one primary question (in addition to the four primary questions
provided on the template). The question might be vague or unrelated to the
nurse’s history or have limited specificity to this nurse’s history. The question
may be about opinions, advice, or future topics.

22–24 points

Primary question provided (in addition to the four primary questions
provided on the template). The question is vague or unrelated to the nurse’s history.
The question might be about opinions, advice, or future topics.

0–21 points

Follow-Up Questions

80 points

Each primary question with two detailed follow-up questions clearly
related to the topic of the primary question and designed to elicit more
detail on the topic of that primary question. All questions are specific and
related to the nurse’s history and contributions. No questions are about
opinions, advice, or future topics.

73–80 points

Each primary question with two somewhat detailed follow-up questions somewhat
related to the topic of the primary question and designed to elicit more
detail on the topic of that primary question. Most questions are specific and
related to the nurse’s history and contributions. No questions are about
opinions, advice, or future topics.

68–72 points

Each primary question with two somewhat vague follow-up questions not
clearly related to the topic of the primary question and may or may not be designed
to elicit more detail on the topic of that primary question. Some questions
are specific and related to the nurse’s history and contributions. One or
more questions are about opinions, advice, or future topics.

60–67 points

Some primary questions with two or fewer follow-up questions that may
or may not be related to the topic of the primary question and may or may not
elicit more detail on the topic of that primary question. Few questions are
specific and related to the nurse’s history and contributions. One or more questions
are about opinions, advice, or future topics.

0–59 points

Questions Are Open Ended

20 points

All questions open ended without the possibility of a yes or no answer

18–20 points

One to three questions not open ended

16–17 points

Four to six questions not open ended

15 points

More than six questions not open ended

0–14 points

TOTAL Points Possible = 200

Project Milestone 2 Template

Prior to completing this template,
carefully review Course Project Milestone 2 Guidelines, paying particular
attention to how to name the document and all rubric requirements. After saving
the document to your computer, type your answers directly
in this template and save again. This assignment is due by the end of Week 3 at
11:59 p.m. MT.


Assignment Criteria


Note: See Milestone 2 Rubric for
details required in each area.

Scheduled Date and
Location of Interview

30 points

(must be after Friday of Week 4):


Interview Recording

20 points

one: written notes, audio, or audio-visual

Milestone 3 Submission

20 points

one: typed on Milestone 3 Template, audio, or audio-visual

Questions to Be Asked:

Remember that all questions must be open
ended and clearly related to this nurse.

Follow-up questions must be clearly related
to the associated primary question.

Primary Questions

30 points

(type Question #3 below)

Follow-Up Questions for Each Primary

80 points

(type questions below; see guidelines and
announcements for details)

1: What are some of your favorite
memories of nursing school?


b. How did classmates or instructors impact your development as a nurse?

2: How have you improved the quality
of nursing practice during your career?






4: How have you contributed to the
profession of nursing and to nursing history?

a. Why has work in that area become your passion?


5: Who is your favorite nurse from
nursing history?


b. How has that nurse influenced your own nursing practice?

week 6

NR390 Course Project
Milestone 3 Guidelines


To apply lessons in nursing history to living nurses
contributing to nursing history through an interview and recording of
historical information.

Course Outcomes

The Course Project enables the
student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO 1. Incorporate
appropriate historical perspectives into current professional nursing practice.
(PO #2)

CO 4. Compare
current professional nursing practice roles with historical roles of the nurse.
(PO #7)


entire project is worth 600 points. Milestone
3 is worth 300 points of this total.

Due Date

Submit your
completed NR390 Milestone 3 to the Dropbox by the end of Week 6 at 11:59 p.m.

and Guidelines

If submission method is written (typed in the template), do the

1. Carefully
review this Milestone 3 Guidelines document and the Milestone 3 Template.

2. The
interview must take place in a face-to-face or phone conversation only. E-mail
interview or asking the nurse to complete a written or typed interview is not permitted.

3. Download
the Milestone 3 Template. Save it to your computer in Microsoft Word 2010 (or
later) as a .docx file with the file name: Your Last Name Milestone 3.docx.

4. Carefully review the
assigned areas for Milestone 3
and type
directly on your saved Milestone 3 Template.

5. Use your instructor’s
feedback from Milestone 2 to revise your questions prior to the interview

6. Submit
your completed Milestone 3 Template to the Dropbox by Sunday at the end of Week

If submission method is audio or audio-video:

review the Milestone 3 Guidelines document. The recording should be
approximately 8 to12 minutes.

2. The
interview must take place in a face-to-face or phone conversation only. E-mail
interview or asking the nurse to complete a written or typed interview is not

Edit the recording as
needed prior to submission.

audio or AV file must be able to be attached to the Dropbox and downloaded by
the instructor for scoring. If it cannot be attached or downloaded, you will
need to submit your Milestone 3 by typing on the Milestone 3 Template (see

5. Instructors
are not able to provide advice or technical support regarding recordings.
Submission of a recording is NOT required.

6. Use your instructor’s
feedback from Milestone 2 to revise your questions prior to the interview

7. Submit
your completed Milestone 3 to the Dropbox by Sunday at end of Week 6.

NOTE: Only one Milestone 3 file is accepted. If
you choose to use audio or AV, all parts of Milestone 3 must be on
that recording. Do not submit additional files.

Grading Criteria

Milestone 3
Grading Criteria:




See Milestone 3 Rubric for Details


Introduction and Statement of Purpose



Student states his or
her own first and last name and clearly states the purpose of the interview.




Nurse is introduced
(or introduces self) stating first and last name, years as an RN, and
practice areas during career.

States Verbal Permission for Interview and Submission



Nurse clearly states
verbal permission for this interview and submission to faculty for scoring

Questions and Answers:

and Revisions



Interviewer asks
primary questions in a well-organized manner using follow-up questions to
elicit more details. Interviewer used instructor feedback from Milestone 2 to
revise the quality of questions used in the interview.

and Guidance



Interviewer is
responsive to the comments by the nurse and seeks more detail as needed.
Interviewer demonstrates great interest in the nurse’s story. Interviewer
keeps nurse on topic and prevents rambling by returning to topic.





Interviewer makes a
clear statement of gratitude for the nurse’s time and sharing of history. A
simple thank you is not sufficient.




Interviewer clearly
and thoroughly summarizes what was learned from the interview with this

Recording or
Transcript of Interview is Edited



Recording or
transcript is edited prior to submission to

eliminate gaps and redundancies;

eliminate excessive background noise;

remove spelling or typographical errors; and

create a clear picture of the nurse’s
contribution to the nursing profession.

Possible = 300

Milestone 3 Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria


Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance


Very Good or High Level of Performance


Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance


Poor, Failing, or Unsatisfactory Level of


Student Introduction and Statement of Purpose

30 points

Student states his or her own first and last name and clearly states
the purpose of the interview.

28–30 points

Student states his or her own first or last name and clearly states
the purpose of the interview.

25–27 points

Student states his or her own first or last name, but statement and the
purpose of the interview is unclear.

22–24 points

Student may not state his or her own first and/or last name. Statement
and purpose of interview is unclear or omitted.

0–21 points

Nurse Introduction

30 points

Nurse is introduced (or introduces self) stating first and last name,
years as an RN, and practice areas during career.

28–30 points

Nurse is introduced (or introduces self) stating first and last name,
years as an RN, and practice areas during career (omits one of the above).

25–27 points

Nurse is introduced (or introduces self) stating first and last name,
years as an RN, and practice areas during career (omits two of the above).

22–24 points

Nurse is introduced (or introduces self) stating first and last name,
years as an RN, and practice areas during career (three or more are omitted).

0–21 points

Nurse States Verbal Permission for Interview and Submission

30 points

Interviewer documents that nurse clearly states verbal permission for
this interview and submission to faculty for scoring purposes.

28–30 points

Interviewer documents
that nurse states verbal permission, but provides no detail about specifics,
such as submission to faculty.

25–27 points

Interviewer documents that nurse’s statement of permission for this
interview and submission to faculty for scoring purposes is unclear.

22–24 points

Interviewer doesn’t document that nurse gave permission.

0–21 points

Questions and

Organization and Revision

75 points

Interviewer asks primary questions in a well-organized manner using
follow-up questions to elicit more details.

Interviewer made excellent revisions to the quality of questions by
using instructor feedback from Milestone 2.

69–75 points

Interviewer asks primary questions in a mostly organized manner using
some follow-up questions to elicit more details.

Interviewer made good revisions to the quality of questions by using
instructor feedback from Milestone 2.

63–68 points

Interviewer asks primary questions in a somewhat organized manner
using some follow-up questions to elicit more details.

Interviewer made fair revisions to the quality of questions by using
instructor feedback from Milestone 2.

57–62 points

Interviewer asks primary questions in a poorly organized manne

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