MPH507 2022 August Discussions Latest (Full)

MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation

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Module 1 Discussion

Cultural Competency in Public Health

How should cultural and community practices be considered in the design and implementation of public health programs at each level of the public health pyramid?


MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation

Module 2 Discussion

Program Planning Trends

As planning in public health has evolved, what trends in public health do you foresee and how will these trends impact program planning efforts?


MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation

Module 3 Discussion


The PRECEDE-PROCEED Model is one of many planning models that can be used to design a public health program or intervention. What are the benefits of using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model as opposed to other models or frameworks? What would you do differently if you were creating your own planning model?


MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation

Module 4 Discussion

Community Health Assessment Process

Discuss the dynamic relationship between program planners and the community they serve. What is the value of engaging community members in the community health assessment process and how can they be engaged?


MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation

Module 5 Discussion

Writing Objectives Using the SMART Formula

Explain what is wrong with the following objectives and revise them so that each reflect objectives that are SMART.

Decrease death due to automobile accidents caused by texting.

Encourage physical activity among women who are pregnant.


MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation

Module 6 Discussion

Logic Model

Think of the logic model as your “road map.” What would happen if you ventured off on a trip without a map? Would you ever get to your final destination? Even if you did, how much time would you have spent in trying to find your way, when mapping your journey would have given you direction from the beginning? In this discussion, please describe how using a logic model benefits program planners and evaluators.


MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation

Module 7 Discussion

Program Evaluation

Evaluation questions, similar to research questions in academic research projects, guide the methods and tools used to collect data to understand the problem under investigation. Evaluation questions may seem intuitive, and thus be quickly developed to get to the more detailed program planning. But, without well-developed, relevant, and accurate evaluation questions, projects can move around a problem without addressing the most critical issue. As a program evaluator, what are some of the major considerations that must be taken into account when formulating evaluation questions?


MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation

Module 8 Discussion

Sustaining Successful Programs

In light of economic fluctuations, discuss strategies for sustaining successful programs despite funding reductions.

Explanation & Answer

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