MPH507 2022 August Complete Course Latest (Full)
MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation

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Module 1 Discussion
Cultural Competency in Public Health
How should cultural and community practices be considered in the design and implementation of public health programs at each level of the public health pyramid?
MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Module 2 Discussion
Program Planning Trends
As planning in public health has evolved, what trends in public health do you foresee and how will these trends impact program planning efforts?
MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Module 3 Discussion
The PRECEDE-PROCEED Model is one of many planning models that can be used to design a public health program or intervention. What are the benefits of using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model as opposed to other models or frameworks? What would you do differently if you were creating your own planning model?
MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Module 4 Discussion
Community Health Assessment Process
Discuss the dynamic relationship between program planners and the community they serve. What is the value of engaging community members in the community health assessment process and how can they be engaged?
MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Module 5 Discussion
Writing Objectives Using the SMART Formula
Explain what is wrong with the following objectives and revise them so that each reflect objectives that are SMART.
Decrease death due to automobile accidents caused by texting.
Encourage physical activity among women who are pregnant.
MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Module 6 Discussion
Logic Model
Think of the logic model as your “road map.” What would happen if you ventured off on a trip without a map? Would you ever get to your final destination? Even if you did, how much time would you have spent in trying to find your way, when mapping your journey would have given you direction from the beginning? In this discussion, please describe how using a logic model benefits program planners and evaluators.
MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Module 7 Discussion
Program Evaluation
Evaluation questions, similar to research questions in academic research projects, guide the methods and tools used to collect data to understand the problem under investigation. Evaluation questions may seem intuitive, and thus be quickly developed to get to the more detailed program planning. But, without well-developed, relevant, and accurate evaluation questions, projects can move around a problem without addressing the most critical issue. As a program evaluator, what are some of the major considerations that must be taken into account when formulating evaluation questions?
MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Module 8 Discussion
Sustaining Successful Programs
In light of economic fluctuations, discuss strategies for sustaining successful programs despite funding reductions.
MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Module 3 Assignment
Applying the PRECEDE Portion of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model
The purpose of this assessment is for the student to gain an understanding of how to conduct a comprehensive assessment for public health program planning by applying the PRECEDE portion of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model.
Course Outcomes
This assessment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcome.
CO #1: Apply methodologies to create strategic and cost-effective public health programs.
The Applying the PRECEDE Portion of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model Assessment is worth 200 points and will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
Create your paper using Microsoft Word, which is the required format for all Chamberlain College documents.
Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your assignment may be posted under the Q & A Forum.
The length of the paper is to be no less than 2 pages and no greater than 4 pages, excluding title page and reference pages.
The paper should be written in 12-point font and double-spaced with APA style citation (in-text citations and references).
APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headings (upper and lower case, centered, boldface):
Note: Introduction—write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Preparing Your Applying the PRECEDE Portion of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model Assignment
Review the readings, lesson notes, and digital media about the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. Follow the guidelines below to create your PRECEDE assessment. This assignment will comprise one part of your Final Paper for this course. For your final class project, you will be asked to detail the planning portion, including goals, objectives, interventions, and evaluation of a program you will propose as a result of this assignment. Thus, you will be asked to revise this paper according to instructor feedback and include it in your Final Paper.
This assignment should be in the form of a paper, complete with paragraphs organized by each PRECEDE phase. The discussion of each PRECEDE phase must be at least one-half of a page.
For the purpose of this paper:
Choose a health problem or concern that you will explore within a specified population and briefly describe both in one paragraph (e.g., diabetes among adult males aged X to X).
Provide a brief description of Phase 1 of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model: Social Assessment, Participatory Planning, and Situation Analysis, in 1-2 sentences. Identify social indicators to describe quality of life within the specified population and identify potential sources. Identify activities to engage community members in the planning process and provide a brief rationale.
Provide a brief description of Phase 2: Epidemiological, Behavioral, and Environmental Assessments, in 1-2 sentences. Describe the extent of the health problem at the national, state, and local levels and identify your sources of data. Describe behavioral and/or environmental factors linked to the health problem and identify your sources.
Provide a brief description of Phase 3: Educational and Ecological Assessment, in 1-2 sentences. Describe the predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors that contribute to the health problem and identify your sources. Identify relevant theories that may apply.
Provide a brief description of Phase 4: Administrative and Policy Assessment, in 1-2 sentences. Describe resources and barriers to program development and implementation and identify potential sources.
MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Module 6 Assignment
Creating a Logic Model Paper
The purpose of this assessment is for the student to gain an understanding of how to construct a logic model to inform the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a public health program. In this paper, students will apply their awareness of cultural values and practices in the development of a program intervention to address a health topic of their choice within a target population of their choice.
Course Outcomes
This assessment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes.
CO 1: Apply methodologies to create strategic and cost-effective public health programs.
CO 3: Use methodology to overcome barriers in the implementation of a public health program.
The Creating a Logic Model Paper is worth 280 points and will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
Create your paper using Microsoft Word, which is the required format for all Chamberlain College documents.
Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your assignment may be posted under the Q & A Forum.
The length of the paper is to be no less than 7 pages and no greater than 8 pages, excluding title page and reference pages.
The paper should be written in 12-point font and double-spaced with APA style citation (in-text citations and references).
APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headings (upper and lower case, centered, boldface):
Note: Introduction—write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Preparing Your Creating a Logic Model Paper
For this assignment, you will build on the work you completed during Module 3. As you will recall, in Module 3, you were asked to conduct an assessment of a health topic in a community of of your choice using the PRECEDE portion of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. This week, you will draw on that assessment to develop a culturally-tailored program intervention and describe your program in the context of a logic model to address your health topic of concern. This paper will comprise one part of the final assignment (Grant Proposal paper) for this course. Once your logic model paper is graded, you will be asked to revise the paper according to instructor feedback and incorporate the sections into your final assignment .
For the purpose of this paper:
You will apply your awareness of cultural values and practices in the development of a program intervention. Your intervention should be 12 months in length and have a budget of $100,000 to implement and staff your program. Please follow the steps below.
Create a hypothetical organization that has a history working with your identified priority population in your focus community. Feel free to model your organizational description after an actual organization that works with your identified priority population or in your target community (1 page).
Describe your organization. Be concise, specific and compelling. Explain what is unique about your organization and why you are well-situated to work with your priority population and to address your identified issue. Use the description to build credibility for your organization.
Identify at least one partner agency that you will be collaborating with. Indicate who they are and the purpose of your collaboration. Collaborations come in several different forms. Be sure to explain how this collaboration will work and the role(s) of each organization.
Describe the health problem within the target population. Incorporate your findings from your Module 3 assignment.
Present the existence of the health problem. Provide a description of the size of the public health problem at national, state, and local levels. At the local level, make sure to explain how it relates to your target population.
Describe causes of the health problem. Identify the various factors that contribute to the existence of the health problem and discuss this relationship in terms of a causal theory.
Zero in on specific factor(s) that your organization will address and present a clear, concise, well-supported statement of the problem to be overcome. Make a connection between the issue and your organization. Explain consequences if health problem is not addressed.
Explain what you intend to accomplish: (1 page)
Describe your program’s mission.
Identify your program’s goal(s). Goals should be consistent with the program mission and should broadly identify what your organization wants and expects to accomplish in the future.
Identify your program’s objectives. Objectives should be SMART and should serve as a “mile marker” towards your stated goal(s). Distinguish between process and outcome (effect) objectives.
Describe your plan for implementation.
Describe your organizational plan. Specify the resources (inputs and capacity) that your organization will need to implement and sustain your program intervention. (1 page)
Describe your service utilization plan. This includes a description of culturally appropriate intervention activities that will be developed and implemented (with available resources) to achieve your program objectives. Describe why you have chosen these activities and how they are culturally sensitive and appropriate. (1-2 pages)
Develop a logic model visual that clearly connects inputs to activities and activities to outputs. For each action step, list projected completion dates and person(s) responsible.
MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
Module 7 Assignment
Grant Proposal
The purpose of this assessment is for the student to assimilate the knowledge, skills, and resources gained in this course to develop a grant proposal for program funding.
Course Outcomes
This assessment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes.
CO 1: Apply methodologies to create strategic and cost-effective public health programs.
CO 2: Identify the challenges of implementing a successful public health program.
CO 3: Use methodology to overcome barriers in the implementation of a public health program.
CO 4: Evaluate the effectiveness of public health programs.
CO 5: Examine prevention and the use of partnerships.
The Final Paper: Grant Proposal is worth 400 points and will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
Create your paper using Microsoft Word, which is the required format for all Chamberlain College documents.
Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your assignment may be posted under the Q & A Forum.
The length of the paper is to be no less than 11 pages and no greater than 12 pages, excluding title page and reference pages.
The paper should be written in 12-point font and double-spaced with APA style citation (in-text citations and references).
APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headings (upper and lower case, centered, boldface):
Note: Introduction—write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Preparing Your Final Paper
For this assessment, you will build on the assessments you completed for Modules 3 and 6. As you will recall, in Module 3, you were asked to conduct an assessment of a health topic in a defined population using the PRECEDE portion of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. Later, in Module 6, you created a logic model that your hypothetical organization will follow to address your identified health topic. This paper should be comprehensive in nature, including assignments from Module 3 and Module 6 (be sure to revise them as needed based on instructor feedback). In addition, you will be asked to develop a program evaluation, budget outline and justification, and project timeline.
For the purpose of this paper:
You will describe a program intervention. Your intervention will be 12 months in length and you are given a budget of no more than $100,000. Programs must be completed within 12 months.
Your Final Paper should be organized as follows.
Description of your organization. Include your hypothetical organization information portion from your Module 6 assignment. Be sure this includes recommended revisions per instructor feedback, if appropriate.
Description of your program. Include your program information, as follows.
Include your program mission, goals, and objectives from your Module 6 assignment.
Include your health problem statement from your Module 6 assignment.
Include your description of your intervention from your Module 6 assignment, including your organizational plan, service utilization plan, and logic model.
Description of your program evaluation
Provide a brief statement of where you plan to direct your evaluation resources: to process evaluation activities, to impact evaluation activities, to outcome evaluation activities, or some combination. Indicate, if appropriate, why you want to focus your resources there.
Indicate plans for data sources/collection, data analysis, and the evaluation design that will be employed. Note how data collection tools will be developed and by whom, whether they will pull from existing surveys or other data sources, or be created for the purpose of your evaluation.
Consider the personnel you will involve in collecting the data. You can do this as you go through the sections below or at the end, whichever makes sense narratively, and if there are other resources you will need to execute the evaluation, such as hiring a survey research firm or some other large contract, or just hiring data collection staff for a single month. Make sure you identify how the evaluation will be coordinated, such as using a project manager for evaluation. You will need this information for your budget. In addition, based on your data collection tools, consider if personnel will be needed to develop the tools.
Describe plans for the following types of evaluations, if you are doing one.
Process evaluation: In your logic model, you described project activities. Describe the process evaluation questions you will answer to track your program’s progress. Identify no more than four or five (and less is fine) specific research questions for your process evaluation. Describe the measures and data collection activities you will use to answer your evaluation questions. Identify the type of design that you will employ (Is it a pre- or post-test? Is there a comparison or control group? If so, how will it be selected?). Remember that you may use multiple measures and data collection activities to answer any given question. Thus, if you are focusing on outreach or enrollment, and have a number of different ways you plan to answer the general evaluation question of “Did we reach and engage the target population?”, describe each. When you discuss the methods you will use to collect data (focus groups, surveys, attendance sheets, etc.) you need not provide these, but indicate what types of things they will collect (data about satisfaction, knowledge, attitudes, etc.). Remember to think about when you will collect the data during the program’s life. Think too and briefly discuss how you will feed process evaluation information back into the program to adjust it.
Outcome evaluation: Identify the specific evaluation questions you will use to determine if your project was effective in changing what it set out to change (again, not too many). Describe the measures and data collection activities you will use to answer your evaluation questions. Identify the type of design that you will employ (Is it a pre- or post-test? Is there a comparison or control group? If so, how will it be selected?) Again, you may use multiple measures and data collection activities to answer any given question. If your questions are about if people report behavior change, then make clear how you will measure this, how you will collect the data, and when you will collect it.
Impact evaluation: Identify the outcome question(s) you want to answer. If your program is not expected to have a reach large enough to make an impact on the health outcomes of a community, neighborhood, or city, then an impact evaluation may not make sense. Identify the measures and the data source that you will use to answer the question.
Description of your program budget
Provide a budget narrativejustification. The budget should have two items.
Personnel costs: Briefly identify the personnel that will be involved in carrying out your program. It is not necessary to note them by name, but note their title. Also note their time or the number of hours that they will work on project activities—part-time, full-time, or a percentage of time (e.g., Executive Director commits 20% of their time). Also include fringe benefits—they generally range between 17-22 percent of salaries.
Other than personnel services (OTPS): Briefly describe all costs associated with the project that are not staffing costs (e.g., rent, equipment, travel, office supplies, stipends for participants, etc.); and contract personnel—additional professional expertise or temporary staff assistance (e.g., hiring a survey research firm or some other large contract, or just hiring data collection staff for a single month for the evaluation).
Provide a budget worksheet (attach as an appendix).
Description of your project timeline
Attach a project timeline as an appendix. Plug in where the major evaluation activities you identified above will intersect with your program milestones. For instance, if you expect to recruit 100 high-risk program participants in the first 3 months of your program, and you plan to evaluate whether that milestone was reached and what worked/what didn’t, you would note in your timeline when you would look at enrollment figures (month 4?) and assess who did and didn’t enroll. Not every activity needs to appear in the timeline, but the major ones should.
Explanation & Answer
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