Lean And Six Sigma In Health Care

Lean And Six Sigma In Health Care

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Explore Lean and Six Sigma concepts applied to health care for process and performance improvement. Consider how Lean and Six Sigma could be applied to improve health care economics and the application of health care financial and funding models. Write a paper to summarize the concepts of Lean and Six Sigma and the application of Lean and Six Sigma in a selected case study.


Read the Using DMAIC To Improve Nursing Shift-Change Assignments case study. The assignment is based on it. (If desired, you can download a PDF version of the case study if you agree to the free registration on the ASQ site)

Write 1-2 pages in which you:

  1. Summarize the application of Lean and Six Sigma in the case study.
  2. Describe ways in which Lean and Six Sigma could be applied to improve health care economics and the application of health care financial and funding models.

Use at least two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.


Link: https://asq.org/quality-resources/articles/case-studies/using-dmaic-to-improve-nursing-shift-change-assignments?id=46e7439648ef4fb1b52972dd2bbf30a6

Explanation & Answer

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