Individual Assignment 1: Reflection & Action Plan


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Individual Assignment 1: Reflection & Action Plan




Learning to be a scholarly practitioner is a key program component and intended candidate outcome. McClintock (2003) states scholarly practice is grounded in theory and research, includes experimental knowledge, and is driven by personal values, commitment, and ethical conduct. Scholar practitioners also reflect on and assess the impact of their work. 


The purpose of this paper is for you to take a journey into your life and analyze your early childhood feelings and success around creativity, your feelings today,  and then apply what you have learned in the text as part of your creativity journey. After that you will build an Action Plan that will detail how you will incorporate what you have learned in this class to bring more creativity and innovation to your future work and life.This paper will require research, but it is not a research paper it is a reflection and action plan paper. This paper will analyze your childhood connection to creativity to your future plans with creativity. Remember this paper is BOTH A REFLECTION AND AN ACTION PLAN.




Individual Assignment #1 Reflection & Action Plan

Due: Week 4

Value: 120

Length: 5 – 7 pages, Double Spaced, Times New Roman, APA Headings, Title Page, References and APA citations. This is an example of an APA sample paper. Long quotes are not to be used in short papers of this nature, thus, all quotes should be from seven to twelve words and of course must use APA citations. This is a personal paper so the writing may use “me, my or I” however good writing uses pronouns very sparingly (less than ten pronouns in the whole paper – with careful writing this is possible). Do not use the third person (“the writer”).


After reading assigned chapters in Isaksen compare and contrast what you thought about creativity and innovation before reading with what you learned in the text. Reflect on what you learned and create an Action Plan where you could more fully engage in creativity and innovation with the knowledge learned in the text. Use APA headings. The reflection portion of the paper is about four to five pages and the action plan is about two pages. Sources (must be current – one year) other than the textbook can include: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Wired Magazine (all can be found in the Brandman Library). Use the guide below for your paper.


This is usually about two to three paragraphs long and gives the details of what will be covered in the paper and also gives some details of what the paper will cover. The introduction is engaging and not just some quote. The introduction directly correlates with the body of the paper. The introduction is written after you have written the Analysis section and Action Plan section below. Students who try to write the introduction first often lose points as they are not using the introduction to introduce their reflection and action plan paper.


This normally has three parts and each part has a short five to seven word quote from the text). Remember short papers do not have long quotations. The Analysis section must have APA second level headings such as:

What I grew up thinking about creativity

This is normally about four paragraphs long with at least one short quote from the text. Even though this is a reflection paper try to use “I” sparingly. With thought as you write fewer pronouns can be used. However, please do not write in the third person.


What I learned about creativity that surprised me

This is normally about four paragraphs long with at least one short quote from the text. Under this heading you are to connect your early childhood experience with creativity with what you are studying in the textbook.


What I learned about creativity and how it becomes innovation

This is normally about four paragraphs long with at least one short quote from the text. Give examples of creative problem solving, understanding the challenge (or opportunity), generate ideas and people as creative problem solving. In this section you describe how you can now use creativity in problem solving. Give examples.


 Action Plan

Remember this is your action plan to become a more creative and innovation contributor to your personal and/or professional endeavors. This begins with three to four sentences that recaps the Analysis section above and then gives specifics, using SMART goals to set a plan for action for you to bring more creativity and innovation to your future personal or professional endeavors. Be sure to apply creative problem solving. Also apply the steps outlined in the text for an Action Plan. The writer must include in the document submitted (not an attachment or a separate document) a visual representation of their Action Plan. You can use any of the following to create your visual representation (the free versions will work).  The visual representation should be no more than one page and no less than a quarter of a page.







Using APA Reference page cite the textbook and at least two other sources (nothing Wiki or from People Magazine or of that ilk).  We prefer that you use business sources such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Wired Magazine, Fast Company, etc. (Many of these are available in the Brandman Library).









Grading Rubric: Individual Assignment 1 Reflection and Action Plan





Needs Improvement










Engaging opening introduces the paper’s general topic and inspires thinking about the topic. The thesis is easily identifiable, well phrased, and reflects the writer’s topic and opinion or argument, as well as major supporting points; the idea offered in the thesis reflects sound critical, analytical thinking. The introduction is clearly written after the analysis is completed so that the introduction introduces the analysis!

Opening introduces the paper’s general topic but may not stimulate thinking about the topic. Writer states his or her position on the current topic in a thesis statement.

Opening is logically organized, but may lack development; paper’s topic is clear, but needs to be developed to engage the reader. Thesis statement lacks development.

Opening is poorly organized and/or lacks development. Thesis statement is weak or missing.





The author provides a detailed compare and contrast of five or more creativity and innovation  theories. This includes an interesting and   thorough discussion of creativity and innovation.

The author provides a compare and contrast of a minimum of four creativity and innovation  theories.. This includes a thorough discussion of creativity and innovation.


The author provides a compare and contrast of three or less creativity theories.

The author provides a brief compare and contrast of three or less creativity and innovation theories.


Action Plan

Critical Thinking, Evaluation and Analysis




Writing reflects a critical, analytical understanding of the topic as it currently is presented in the literature.  The Action Plan creativity applies  the theories from the text and actionable SMART goals. A visual representation is included to demonstrate the Action Plan.


Writing generally reflects a critical, analytical understanding of the topic as it currently is presented in the literature; the writer compares but may not analyze or make connections between differing viewpoints; writer uses unbiased language in nearly all cases to present differing viewpoints. Smart goals are applied. A visual representation is included to demonstrate  the Action Plan.

Writing occasionally reflects a critical, analytical understanding of the topic as it currently is presented in the literature; the writer compares and makes connections between some differing viewpoints; writer may use biased language to present differing viewpoints. SMART goals are applied but not completely or clearly. A visual representation is included to demonstrate the Action Plan.

Writing does not reflect a critical, analytical understanding of the topic as it currently is presented in the literature; the writer does not clearly compare or make connections between differing viewpoints; writer may use biased language to present differing viewpoints. SMART goals are applied but not clearly. A visual representation is not included.





Body of the paper is logically organized, using APA formatted headings, in alignment with the thesis statement. Organization of the paper reflects block, alternating, compare/contrast, cause/effect, or other clear outline; topic sentences and transitions facilitate clear communication with the audience; scholarly sources provide support for the writer’s argument throughout the paper.

Body of the paper is organized, using APA formatted headings,  in alignment with the thesis statement; generally reflects block, alternating, compare/contrast, cause/effect, or other outline; most topic sentences and transitions facilitate communication with the audience; scholarly sources generally support the writer’s argument throughout the paper.

Body of the paper is logically organized, using APA formatted headings occasionally, in partial alignment with the thesis statement. Topic sentences and/or transitions may be present but lack polish. Sources provide some support for the writer’s Action Plan.

Body of the paper is not logically organized or aligned with the thesis statement and APA headings are not utilized.  Topic sentences and/or transitions are missing.  Scholarly sources are not used to support the writer’s Action Plan.



Writing Mechanics

Grammar, flow, language style and voice





Title of the paper clearly reflects its content. The title and other document formatting demonstrate careful adherence to APA style guidelines. Effective syntax and grammar demonstrate a mastery of writing conventions and serves the author’s purpose; writing is free of misspellings and punctuation errors. Language is academic in tone, demonstrating a clear sense of purpose and audience; vocabulary and phrasing are academically appropriate, persuasive, and sophisticated; the writer’s voice is evident, professional, and confident; sentences are marked by clarity, varying words and grammatical structure. Contractions are spelled out and writing remains in third person (unless first person language is allowed by the professor/assignment).




Title of the paper reflects its content. The title and other document formatting demonstrate general adherence to APA style guidelines. Syntax and grammar demonstrate mastery of writing conventions but may be awkward; a few misspellings or punctuation errors are present.

Language is predominantly academic in tone; vocabulary may be basic or ineffective; writer’s voice is consistently academic but may not be persuasive or confident; writing demonstrates some awareness of audience and persuasive purpose;  use of first or second person and/or contractions diminishes paper’s formal tone (unless first person language is allowed by the professor/assignment



Title of the paper vaguely reflects its content.  The title and other document formatting only occasionally demonstrate adherence to APA style guidelines.

Awkward syntax and grammar may impair clarity; misspellings, run-on sentences, sentence fragments, or other errors are present throughout the paper.

Language is somewhat informal in tone; vocabulary is simplistic, marked by instances of casual or imprecise diction; writer’s voice is not discernible in the paper; writing demonstrates inconsistent awareness of audience and persuasive purpose; use of first or second person and/or contractions diminishes paper’s formal tone (unless first person language is allowed by the professor/ assignment).

Title of the paper does not reflect its content.  The title and other document formatting does not demonstrate adherence to APA style guidelines.Frequent syntax, grammar, and/or spelling errors impair clarity; numerous run-on sentences, sentence fragments, or other errors impair meaning throughout the paper.












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