In 1999 and 2001, the Institute of Medicine published two reports on patient safety

In 1999 and 2001, the Institute of Medicine published two reports on patient safety concerns and identified alarming problems within our healthcare system during this time. To Err is Human (IOM, 1999) identified high levels of avoidable medical errors in our hospitals resulting in many patients dying. Six aims to improve patient safety were identified in the Crossing the Quality Chasm (IOM, 2001).

Examine the ways in which the U.S. healthcare system has improved since the publication of these reports. What still needs to be done to make our healthcare system better? Discuss whether or not the U.S. healthcare system is meeting all of the six aims (safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable) necessary to improve quality of care delivered to our patients. You will also assess the role of patient care technologies in meeting the six aims. Include at least two references in your responses and analysis.

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Assignment’s Guideline:


Be sure to address each question in the given prompt thoroughly and include the following elements: 1. A thorough response to all parts of the prompt 2. An assessment of the role of patient care technologies 3. Incorporation of sources to support your response Guidelines for Submission: Case study papers should be 2–3 pages in length with double spacing, one-inch margins, and 12-point font. Each case scenario should include at least two peer-reviewed sources. APA formatting is to be used for references and in-text citations. 

Explanation & Answer

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