Identify and analyze socioeconomic barriers and supports

Overview: After analyzing your public health issue in Milestone One and studying socioeconomic factors affecting healthcare in this module, you will write a short paper to identify and analyze socioeconomic barriers and supports involved in addressing the public health issue. Your paper must include an introduction to your public health issue, a discussion of socioeconomic barriers to change, a discussion of supports for change, and a conclusion with a call to action for your readers. Assume your readers will include healthcare administrators and managers, as well as healthcare policy makers and legislators. 

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Prompt: Write a short paper including the following sections: 

I. Introduction 

A. Introduce your public health issue and briefly explain what needs to change to address the issue.

II. Barriers 

A. Identify two potential socioeconomic barriers to change and describe each with specific details. 

B. Consider patient demographics (e.g., age, ethnicity, and education), geographic factors (e.g., urban/rural location), and psychographic factors (e.g., eating habits and employment status). 

C. Justify your points by referencing your textbook or other scholarly resources. 

III. Supports 

A. Identify two possible socioeconomic supports for change and describe each with specific details. 

B. B. Consider patient demographics (e.g., age, ethnicity, and education), geographic factors (e.g., urban/rural location), and psychographic factors (e.g., eating habits and employment status). 

C. C. Justify your points by referencing your textbook or other scholarly resources. 


IV. Conclusion 

A. Conclude with a clear call to action: What can your readers do to assist in the implementation of the necessary changes? 

Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your short paper must be submitted as a 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.


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