Government Growth Of Public Health

Government Growth Of Public Health- 3 Pages-APA-NO QUOTES IN THIS ASSIGNMENT!

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Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 5: Twenty-First Century Community Public Health Practice of Public Health: What It Is and How It Works. Read the 10 Essential Public Health Services section in this chapter. In Table 5-3 in this chapter, you will find the scope of coverage expected for Local Health Departments (LHDs) and Public Health Offices (PHOs). You will also find that the 10 Essentials grew from the 1945 Emerson Report. Please use this text as your primary resource for this assignment. Please use attachments then do your own research

In your assignment,

  • Explain the growth of public health from the Basic Six to the Essential Public Health Services.
  • Determine the major catalysts in public health’s growth in the United States.
    • Specifically, what changes have you noticed in how U.S. standards are organized? Are these standards more inclusive, do they focus on the same topic areas, and ultimately is the US taking on greater responsibilities?
  • Propose why and when you feel patient-focused health care diverged from public-focused health care in the United States. Support your proposal with at least one credible source.
  • Hypothesize why you feel patient-focused health care receives nearly 90% of the monies given by the U.S. government.

Note: This assignment confirms your understanding of the history of public health and demonstrates your academic writing ability and skills with paraphrasing. You cannot use quotes in this assignment.

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