GCU HLT308 2021 September Complete Course Latest (Full)

HLT308/HLT308V/HLT 308/HLT 308V

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HLT308 Risk Management and Health Care Regulations

Week 1 Discussion

DQ1 Explain the role of accreditation in mitigating risk compliance issues.  Provide an example of a health care organization that was placed on probation by its accrediting body or by CMS within the last 3 years for a risk compliance issue. What caused the probation or loss of accreditation and how could it have been prevented?

DQ2 Briefly describe how the risk management program at the organization where you work (or at that of a typical health care organization) addresses social media and patient information privacy. Provide three examples of risk management steps your health care organization (or another health care organization) could take to further protect patient information. Support your analysis with a minimum of one peer-reviewed reference.


HLT308/HLT308V/HLT 308/HLT 308V

HLT308 Risk Management and Health Care Regulations

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 With the growing importance of increasing wage rates for employees, many health care organizations are implementing technology such as self-help kiosks to reduce staffing. Describe both an advantage and a disadvantage to this practice and discuss how patients may perceive reductions in dedicated staffing.

DQ2 Research the role of an administrator versus that of a nonmanagement staff member in dealing with a workers’ compensation incident in a typical health care organization. What are the minimal responsibilities and reporting duties for each? What recommendations would you suggest for improving organizational compliance with regulatory requirements at the staff level? Support your analysis with a minimum of one peer-reviewed reference.


HLT308/HLT308V/HLT 308/HLT 308V

HLT308 Risk Management and Health Care Regulations

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 The Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) was implemented to allow patients to state “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNS), or to assign a surrogate decision maker in the event that the individual is unable to make the decision. What relationship does an ethics committee have in enforcing the advance directives of the patients in their care? Support your analysis with a minimum of one peer-reviewed article.

DQ2 The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) publishes a list of health care-acquired conditions (HACs) that reasonably could have been prevented through the application of risk management strategies. What actions has your health care organization (or have health care organizations in general) implemented to manage or prevent these “never events” from happening within their health care facilities? Support your response with a minimum two peer-reviewed articles.



HLT308/HLT308V/HLT 308/HLT 308V

HLT308 Risk Management and Health Care Regulations

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 Describe one of the safety committees your organization uses and how it reduces risk within your organization. Who are the general members of the group, how often do they meet, and is there a regulatory requirement that they report or publish notes? Is this a good use of the staff’s time or would another method that still addresses the safety goal of this group be more efficient?

DQ2 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS), and the Joint Commission (JC) require that health care organizations maintain risk management programs to address infection control. Detail three measures that your health care organization (or any health care organization) could implement, beyond what is currently in practice, to support the delivery of safe health care services and avoid the spread of infection (e.g., placing hand washing devices at all of the public entrances of the health care facility). Support your response with a minimum of two peer-reviewed references.


HLT308/HLT308V/HLT 308/HLT 308V

HLT308 Risk Management and Health Care Regulations

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Health care organizations continually face challenges from various regulatory and government agencies while also being bound by Managed Care Organization (MCO) standards. View the video located in the study materials entitled “College of Nursing and Health Care Professions: Do We Know What Our Future Is?” for insight into the challenges of health care reform. Based on the video, describe two key reform factors that you believe will need to be addressed by future health care workers or leaders and explain why. (Note: You can download slides from this video for ease of review in developing your forum response). Additionally, what role does adherence to MCO standards play in your future health care vision?

DQ2 The Affordable Care Act (ACA) identifies requirements related to provider compliance with fraud, waste, and abuse laws that have been enacted to protect consumers. Research three of these requirements and describe the corresponding measures that your health care organization has initiated, or could initiate, to comply with the ACA. Support your analysis with a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles.










HLT308/HLT308V/HLT 308/HLT 308V

HLT308 Risk Management and Health Care Regulations

Week 1 Assignment

Benchmark – Risk Management Program Analysis – Part One

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a health care risk management program.

Conduct research on approaches to risk management processes, policies, and concerns in your current or anticipated professional arena to find an example of a risk management plan. Look for a plan with sufficient content to be able to complete this assignment successfully. In a 1,000?1,250-word paper, provide an analysis of the risk management plan that includes the following:

Summary of the type of risk management plan you selected (new employee, specific audience, community?focused, etc.) and your rationale for selecting that example. Describe the health care organization to which the plan applies and the role risk management plays in that setting.

Description of the standard administrative steps and processes in a typical health care organization’s risk management program compared to the administrative steps and processes you identify in your selected example plan. (Note: For standard risk management policies and procedures, look up the MIPPA-approved accrediting body that regulates the risk management standards in your chosen health care sector, and consider federal, state, and local statutes as well.)

Analysis of the key agencies and organizations that regulate the administration of safe health care in your area of concentration and an evaluation of the roles each one plays in the risk management oversight process.

Evaluation of your selected risk management plan’s compliance with the standards of its corresponding MIPPA-approved accrediting body relevant to privacy, health care worker safety, and patient safety.

Proposed recommendations or changes you would implement in your risk management program example to enhance, improve, or secure the aforementioned compliance standards.

In addition to your textbook, you are required to support your analysis with a minimum of three peer?reviewed references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

BS Health Sciences

3.2 Discuss compliance with risk management protocol.


HLT308/HLT308V/HLT 308/HLT 308V

HLT308 Risk Management and Health Care Regulations

Week 2 Assignment

Educational Program on Risk Management – Part One: Outline of Topic

The purpose of this assignment is to create an educational program that supports the implementation of risk management strategies in a health care organization.

In this assignment, you will develop an outline for an “in?service”?style educational risk management program for employees of a particular health care organization that will then form the basis for a PowerPoint presentation in Topic 5. Select your topic for this educational session from one of the proposed recommendations or changes you suggested in the Risk Management Program Analysis – Part One assignment to enhance, improve, or secure compliance standards in your chosen risk management plan example.

Create a 500?750-word comprehensive outline that communicates the following about your chosen topic:

Introduction: Identify the risk management topic you have chosen to address and why it is important within your health care sector.

Rationale: Illustrate how this risk management strategy is lacking within your selected organization’s current risk management plan and explain how its implementation will better meet local, state, and federal compliance standards.

Support: Provide data that indicate the need for this proposed risk management initiative and demonstrate how it falls under the organization’s legal responsibility to provide a safe health care facility and work environment.

Implementation: Describe the steps to implement the proposed strategy in your selected health care organization.

Challenges: Predict obstacles the health care organization may face in executing this risk management strategy and propose solutions to navigate or preempt these potentially difficult outcomes.

Evaluation: Outline your plan to evaluate the success of the proposed risk management program and how well it meets the organization’s short-term, long-term, and end goals.

Opportunities: Recommend additional risk management improvements in adjacent areas of influence that the organization could or should address moving forward.

You are required to incorporate all instructor feedback from this assignment into Educational Program on Risk Management Part Two ? Slide Presentation assignment in Topic 5. To save time later in the course, consider addressing any feedback soon after this assignment has been graded and returned to you. It may be helpful to preview the requirements for the Topic 5 assignment to ensure that your outline addresses all required elements for submission of the final presentation.

You are required to support your statements with a minimum of six citations from appropriate credible sources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

HLT308/HLT308V/HLT 308/HLT 308V

HLT308 Risk Management and Health Care Regulations

Week 3 Assignment

Benchmark – Risk Management Program Analysis – Part Two

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how an organization’s quality and improvement processes contribute to its risk management program.

This assignment builds on the Risk Management Program Analysis – Part One assignment you completed in Topic 1 of this course.

Assume that the sample risk management program you analyzed in Topic 1 was implemented and is now currently in use by your health care employer/organization. Further assume that your supervisor has asked you to create a high?level summary brief of this new risk management program to share with a group of administrative personnel from a newly created community health organization in your state who has enlisted your organization’s assistance in developing their own risk management policies and procedures.

Compose a 1,250?1,500 word summary brief that expands upon the elements you first addressed in the Topic 1 assignment. In this summary brief, address the following points regarding your health care organization and its risk management program:

Explain the role of your organization’s MIPPA-approved accreditation body (e.g., JC, ACR, IAC) in the evaluation of your institution’s quality improvement and risk management processes.

Describe the roles that different levels of administrative personnel play in healthcare ethics and establishing or sustaining employer/employee-focused organizational risk management strategies and operational policies.

Illustrate how your organization’s risk management and compliance programs support ethical standards, patient consent, and patient rights and responsibilities.

Explain the legal and ethical responsibilities health care professionals face in upholding risk management policies and administering safe health care at your organization.

Relate how your organization’s quality improvement processes support and contribute to its overall journey to excellence.

In addition to your textbook, you are required to support your analysis with a minimum of three peer?reviewed references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

BS Health Sciences

3.3 Explain the ethical and legal responsibilities of health care professionals related to risk management assessment and policies.


HLT308/HLT308V/HLT 308/HLT 308V

HLT308 Risk Management and Health Care Regulations

Week 4 Assignment

Organizational Risk Management Interview

The purpose of this assignment is to gain real-world insight into how risk management programs operate within health care organizations.

Select a local health care organization where you can conduct an interview with an employee who is involved in risk management processes. This organization can be your current employer or a different health care facility in your community. Acute care, urgent care, large multi?provider private medical clinics, assisted living facilities, and community/public health clinical facilities are all ideal options to complete the requirements of this assignment. Select an individual who can provide sufficient information regarding how their organization manages risk within its facility to answer the questions below.

In your interview, address the following:

Risk management strategies used in the organization’s risk control program, along with specific examples.

How the facility’s educational risk management program addresses key professional, legal, and ethical issues, such as prevention of negligence, malpractice litigation, and vicarious liability.

Policies the facility has implemented that address how to manage emergency triage in high?risk areas of health care service delivery (e.g., narcotics inventories, declared pregnancy policies, blood-borne disease sector, etc.).

Challenges the organization faces in managing and controlling high-risk health care (e.g., infectious diseases, nuclear medicine, abortion, class 4 narcotics/opioids, etc.).

Strategies the facility utilizes to monitor, evaluate, and maintain compliance within its risk management program.

After conducting the interview, compose a 750?1,000 word summary analysis of the interview that includes the questions above, in conjunction with the interviewee’s responses. In addition, include the following elements in your response:

An assessment of the organization’s risk management program, including how it attends to high-risk health care and legal concerns.

Action steps you would take to improve one area of the organization’s risk management program, along with your rationale for doing so.

Cite appropriate references as needed to support your statements and rationale.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

HLT308/HLT308V/HLT 308/HLT 308V

HLT308 Risk Management and Health Care Regulations

Week 5 Assignment

Educational Program on Risk Management Part Two – Slide Presentation

The purpose of this assignment is to create an educational risk management presentation.

Building upon the outline for an educational session you created in the Educational Program on Risk Management Part One: Outline of Topic 2 assignment, develop a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation that expands in greater detail on how and why your organization should implement your proposed risk management strategy. Incorporate any instructor feedback from the Topic 2 assignment into this presentation and include talking points in the speaker notes section of each slide.

Keep in mind that the PowerPoint is meant to serve as a visual aide to bolster your presentation and is intended to highlight main ideas and key points. Do not use dense blocks of text or more than 7 bullet points of text per slide.  However, you may include supplementary images, graphs, and data where relevant.

To successfully complete this assignment, include the following sections as per your outline from Topic 2, though you may include any additional sections as needed:








You are required to support your statements with a minimum of six citations from appropriate credible sources.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.




HLT308/HLT308V/HLT 308/HLT 308V

HLT308 Risk Management and Health Care Regulations

Week 5 Assignment

Reflective Analysis: Risk Management and the Role of Managed Care

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the role of managed care organizations within health care and risk management programs.

Reflect on and evaluate the role that the managed care organization (MCO) plays in today’s health care environment by developing a 250?500-word response that addresses the following:

What is a health care organization’s administrative role in executing risk management policies and ensuring compliance with managed care organization (MCO) standards?

What value do the regulatory statutes of a typical MCO provide to a health care organization? Consider how strategies pertaining to policies such as conflict resolution and risk management affect patients as well as employees and employers.

What MCO responsibilities relevant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) focus on fraud, waste, and abuse laws?

In addition to your textbook, you are required to support your analysis with a minimum of two peer?reviewed references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Explanation & Answer

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