Discussion – How are healthcare systems providing relevant


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How are healthcare systems providing relevant, efficient, affordable, and effective care?


· Identify the essential elements of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim.

o Improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction);

o Improving the health of populations; and

o Reducing the per capita cost of health care.

1. Correlate the impact of both funded and unfunded mandates in providing healthcare.

2. Compare the health care systems of the United States to other countries of the world.

Areas to think about with your responses include:

1. Policy/Management overview (who funds it/controls it?)

2. Health status/health indicators (avg life expectancy, maternal/infant mortality rankings, suicide rates, population demographics, density, etc.)

3. Providers

4. Access (how do people access care/maintain coverage?)

5. System Advantages

6. System Challenges

Readings: Use material from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the Library of Congress (http://thomas.govLinks to an external site.), and other reputable sites you discover.

  • 600 words  APA      formatting is essential 2-references from WHO
Explanation & Answer

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