Describe the therapeutic process from an existential perspective

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Describe the therapeutic process from an existential perspective by addressing assumptions, therapy goals, and the role of the counselor. What are the main contributions and limitations of the existential approach? 

NOTE: For information on how to participate in forum discussions, make sure to review the document “guidelines for forum participation” in the course orientation module. There are specific requirements regarding length of posts, deadline for submissions etc..

Must be two pages


Second assignment



7-6Practical Application: Reflecting Clients’ Feelings

Directions: The person-centered approach to counseling emphasizes understanding clients from an internal frame of reference. To do that, the therapist must be able to discriminate clients’ feelings, hear accurately what messages they are sending, and reflect the deeper meanings that they are attempting to communicate. A common mistake that counselors make is to give a superficial reflection by merely repeating almost the same words the client used. The following exercises are designed to help you learn to grasp the more subtle messages of clients and to reflect feelings as well as content. Of course, important nonverbal cues such as tone of voice and facial expressions are not captured in this exercise. Such nonverbal aspects would be most useful in understanding a client’s message. First, write down a few key words or phrases that describe what the client is experiencing. Second, write down what your response would be if you were to reflect to the client what you heard.

Example: Woman, 42, tells you: “So often I feel that I’m alone, that nobody cares about me. My husband doesn’t seem to notice me, my kids only demand from me, and I just dread getting up in the morning.”

1.     What is this person experiencing? Ignored. Unappreciated. Taken advantage of. Unloved. A sense of futility.

2.     Respond by reflecting what you heard. I sense a lot of loneliness and desperation, a feeling of “What’s the use of going on this way?”

1.     Boy, 17, tells you: “I can’t stand this school anymore. It doesn’t mean anything. I’m bored and frustrated, and I hate school. I feel like dropping out today, but that’s stupid because I’m graduating in 2 months.”

1.     What is this person experiencing?

2.     Respond by reflecting what you heard.

2.     Girl, 14, tells you: “I feel like running away from home. My stepfather always criticizes me, and he puts me on restriction for things he claims I do that I don’t do. My mother doesn’t ever listen to me and always sides with him. They don’t trust me at all.”

1.     What is this person experiencing?

2.     Respond by reflecting what you heard.

3.     A fifth-grader tells you: “None of the other kids like me. They always pick on me and tease me. I try real hard to make friends, but everyone hates me.”

1.     What is this person experiencing?

2.     Respond by reflecting what you heard.

4.     Woman teacher, 33, tells you: “I have really noticed a tremendous difference since I’ve been coming here for counseling. I’m a lot more open with my kids, and they are really noticing a change in me and like it too! I am even able to talk to my principal without feeling like a scared little kid!”

1.     What is this person experiencing?

2.     Respond by reflecting what you heard.

5.     Man, 45, tells you: “I’m so preoccupied since my wife left me that I can’t think of anything but her. I keep going over in my head what I could and should have done so she would have stayed. It pisses me off that I can’t get her out of my mind and go about my living!”

1.     What is this person experiencing?

2.     Respond by reflecting what you heard.

6.     Man, 27, tells you: “Here I am, still in college and not a damn thing to show for my life. My wife is supporting me, and I know she resents me for not getting out and getting a job before this. But, you know, now I know what I want, and before I was just in school because my parents wanted me to be there.”

1.     What is this person experiencing?

2.     Respond by reflecting what you heard.

Must be two to three pages

Explanation & Answer

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