Create a report detailing user access policies based


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Learning Objectives and Outcomes

· Create a report detailing user access policies based on research.

· Explain the details of user policy creation in organizations.



You are a security professional for a large, private health care organization.

Users have access to file and application servers, as well as data storage facilities that contain customer health information and personally identifiable information (PII). Your organization needs to create user access policies and provide them to its employees.

Your manager, John, asks you to write a report detailing relevant user access policies. He needs you to research a generic template and use that as a starting point from which to move forward.

For this assignment:

1. Research existing policy templates and examples from organizations of a similar type.

2. Write a report detailing at least three relevant user access policies based on your research.

· Create a table for the policies.

· Include a short summary explaining why you chose the policies.

· Include an introduction and conclusion.

· Provide citations for your sources.

Submission Requirements:

· Format: Microsoft Word.

· Header ( top-left aligned):

· Full Name

· Due Date

· Title ( centered):  Assignment # and Title

· Font: Arial, size 12, double-space.


· Citation Style: Follow your APA style guide.

· Length: 2–3 pages (more is okay,  less is not)

Submission Instructions

· Submit your work as a MS Word.

· Use of outside resources should be referenced.

· Use of ChatGPT or similar results in 0 points.

Self-Assessment Checklist

· I created a table listing policies for the given scenario.

· I created a professional, well-developed report with proper documentation, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

· I provided citations for the policy sources.

· I followed the submission guidelines.

Explanation & Answer

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