Contributions are evaluated on presentation of a meaningful ‘informed opinion

Discussion Boards demonstrate active involvement with the material being covered. Students will have a shared responsibility for learning, and for creating and sustaining the learning community within the context of this course. Students are asked to discuss the issues/cases in an effort to increase everyone’s understanding as opposed to a regurgitation of facts.  Communication skills such as good listening should be evident in well thought out discussions. Comments show evidence of a thorough reading and analysis of the power points and material assigned. Ideally there is a willingness to test new ideas rather than offer only cautious or ‘safe’ comments. Students interact with other class members by asking questions or challenging conclusions in a respectful manner. 

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Last-minute posts do not demonstrate your best work.  An Initial and 2 follow-up posts are required in order to receive credit.

  • Contributions are evaluated on presentation of a meaningful ‘informed opinion,’ i.e., synthesis of your preparation on the topic, interaction with peers and faculty, and ongoing learning. Useful posts may include and are not limited to:
    • Posting your ‘take’ on the issue, this is informed by your preparation, not a ‘gut reaction.’
    • Asking critical thinking questions.
    • Offering alternate interpretations and additional insights.
    • Contributing to the learning of the group.
  • Discussions must be backed up with PEER 2 reviewed journal articles beyond what is provided for students/ post.


Module 1/Week 1 runs from Monday at 0800 EST until Sunday 23:59 EST. 

Initial Post – 300 words – please see the rubric as points are deducted for going over or under the assigned word count of 300.

  • Students are to answer the DB questions due by Wednesday at 11:59 PM EST.  There is a 10% deduction /day up to 48 hours if late and then the entire assignment will receive a “0”.
  •  2 Peer reviewed references/post  are required that are less than 5 years old.

Follow-up Posts – 150 words-please see the rubric as points are deducted for going over or under the assigned word count of 300.

    •  Minimum of 2 follow-up responses to the answers from other students posts.
    •  2 Peer reviewed references/post  are required that are less than 5 years old
    • Due 23:59 EST, Sunday
  • Follow-up posts are due 11:59PM EST Sunday’s.  Failure to post on time will result in a 10% deduction/day late up to 48 hours late, after which the student will receive no points for the entire DB.
  • All assignments must be submitted to meet the requirements of the course regardless of grade eligibility in order to meet the requirement of the course.  Failure to do so will result in an “F” in the course.


  1. What are the restrictions regarding prescribing medications that are applicable in your state?
  2. How are you going to handle a physician who wants you to submit a claim for reimbursement higher than actually done?
Explanation & Answer

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