Case Study Report Template Kym is released from rehab


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Kym is released from rehab for a few days so she can go domestic to attend the wedding of her sister Rachel in her Connecticut home town. She is picked up from the sanatorium by way of her father and his new wife. Upon arrival at Rachel’s house where the wedding ceremony is to be held, the atmosphere is strained between Kym and her family individuals as they hostilities to reconcile themselves with her previous and present. Kym’s father shows excessive problem for her well-being and whereabouts, which Kym interprets as mistrust. She additionally resents her sister’s desire of her best friend Emma instead of her, to be her maid of honor. Rachel, for her part, resents the interest her sister’s drug addiction is drawing away from her wedding, a resentment that comes to a head at the rehearsal dinner, where Kym, is surrounded by friends and family, takes the microphone to offer an apology for her previous actions, as section of her twelve-step program. Underlying the family’s dynamic is a tragedy that passed off many years previously, which Kym retells at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. As a teenager, Kym was  responsible for her younger brother Ethan death, he was

Case Study Report Template



Assignment Information:

Student Name


Date of Assignment


Case Study # (1, 2 or 3)


Therapy Model(s) Applied





Assessment Report and Initial Treatment Plan / Recommendations



Initial information

Family Name:


List Family Members and Ages:


Identified Client:


Reason for Referral / Presenting Problem(s):



Summary of information provided (Reminder: Use one or more of the suggested headings)





Assessment of information provided (Case conceptualization)






Ethical and Cultural Factors of Concern (At least one ethical factor and one cultural factor must be addressed)






Initial Treatment Plan (Include at least four intervention strategies specific to your chosen theories for case reports 1 and 2 and at least four intervention strategies specific to the structural model for case report 3)





Explanation & Answer

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