Capella HIM4660 2021 November Week 10 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest

HIM4660 Information Security, Privacy, and Ethics in Health Care

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Week 10 Discussion

DQ1 Patient Resources

Having noted that more and more patients seek medical advice via the internet, the leadership for Valley Regional Hospital decided to publish a guide for patients that lists recommended Web sites and other resources. Consider how this plan may impact patient safety and security safeguards. Decide whether you would support the plan, and write a post in which you respond according to your view.

If you do not support this plan, what do you find problematic about it? How would you convince hospital leadership to drop this idea?

If you do support this plan, how would you determine which sites to recommend?

Use APA formatting guidelines to properly cite any references used in your post.

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least one other who has taken a different position from you and indicate what you agree or disagree with most about the other learner’s position.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

List proper physical and technical safeguards for health information security, and recognize violations.

Review best practices, policies, and procedures for maintaining health information security and privacy.

Apply the principles of effective composition.

Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing standards.

DQ2 Course Reflections

Share what you learned in this course that you believe will be helpful to you in your future endeavors. Tell the class what you liked the most and what you liked the least.


Use APA formatting guidelines to properly cite any references used in your post.

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least one other learner, and explain why his or her participation in the course contributed to your own learning.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Apply the principles of effective composition.

Determine the proper application of APA formatting requirements and scholarly writing standards.

Explanation & Answer

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