Aspen HCA415 2021 September Module 3 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest

HCA415 Healthcare Ethics

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Module 3 Discussion

 DQ1 Jim received a liver transplant in 1999.  In 1991, Jim started an alcohol treatment program and was a recovering alcoholic. In 2003, Jim’s wife and youngest son was killed in a motor vehicle accident in which Jim was driving. The accident and guilt cause Jim to start drinking again. Due to Jim’s drinking the transplant liver is now failing. Jim has two grown children who were able to get him back into an alcohol treatment program. Jim has been sober for nine months, but his physician told him that the damage to his liver is too extensive.  Should Jim be placed on the transplant list again for a new liver? If you were on the ethic committee, what questions would you have or want answered in this case? If one of his children is a match and is willing to donate a lobe of their liver, would this present an ethical issue? Explain and support your answers.

DQ2 If you were forming an Ethics Committee at your facility, who would you want on the committee and why? What should committee members take into consideration when addressing ethical cases? Should the committee look at what is best of the organization or the individual? Explain.

Explanation & Answer

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