Aspen DNP830 2021 September Module 8 Assignment Reflection Latest

DNP830 Global Population Health

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Module 8 Assignment


Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the Course Goals listed in the syllabus. Then write a minimum of a 1000 word APA-style essay reflecting on how this course has helped you achieve these goals.

Finally, submit the assignment into the drop-box.


Students must also document 80 immersion hours during this course. Immersion Practice Hours are approved using the process found in the DNP Lounge.

1.            In addition to submitting 80 immersion hours to the dropbox during this course, also submit Immersion Hours to the DNP Lounge.

2.            Immersion Hours are approved by Director of Graduate Programs or representative.

3.            DNP student selects precepting mentor for approval by Director of Graduate Programs or representative.

4.            DNP student submits plan to complete Immersion Hours to Director of Graduate Programs or representative.

5.            DNP student obtains approval of completed Immersion Hours after each course from Director of Graduate Programs or representative.

Submit to the dropbox, documentation of the 80 hours of immersion towards the total 1000 hours for the DNP Degree.


Explanation & Answer

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