AIU HCM659 unit 1 assignment 2019

You hired as the Director of Operations Director for a publicly-held hospital chain. You have been asked to evaluate the organization’s strategic planning approach because of changes in recent legislation (Affordable Care Act, Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Joint Commission, etc.). To gather data for your assignment, identify a publicly-held health care organization of your choice. You may use the Library to search for market information.

Prepare a report of 5–7 pages with at least 5 academic or professional references published in the past five years that indicates the following:

Identify all of the stakeholders that are involved and impacted by the organization.
Differentiate internal from external stakeholders, and evaluate the relationship between the organizational mission and vision for each stakeholder group based on strategic planning components.
Evaluate at least 3 busi

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