Read the description of Ralf Schwarzer’s model for dealing with work-related stressors


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Read the description of Ralf Schwarzer’s model for dealing with work-related stressors on page 296-271 of the text for this course, Organizational Behavior in Health Care. The four main perspectives are: 1) reactive coping, 2) anticipatory coping, 3) preventive coping, and 4 proactive coping. Read also the article , which provides more detail on these coping perspectives than is found in the text.

  1. Why is there a need for managers and employees to deal with job-related stress in the workplace?
  2. Which of Schwarzer’s four coping perspectives is captured by the following account? “After Marie got chewed out at a management briefing, she was unable to sleep for three nights.” Provide a rationale for your answer. As the Internet reading suggests, two strategies for coping with this kind of stress include emotion-coping and problem-coping. Provide an example of an emotion-coping and job-coping approach that Marie can employ.
  3. Which of Schwarzer’s four coping perspectives is captured by the following account? “One of ABC Corporation’s most important customers wants to meet with the Vice President of Operations next Tuesday to articulate their unhappiness with ABC Corporation’s recent performance. The VP is worried about this meeting.” Provide a rationale for your answer.
  4. Mary’s job in the sales department is stressful. She is concerned about meeting sales goals. She often encounters unreasonable customers who feel that they can abuse her because they are her client. Mary found that by being active in the animal rights movement, she has developed a sense of calmness when crises arise, because no matter how things work out in the job, she know she can offer support to defenseless animals to help improve their lives. Which of Schwarzer’s four perspectives is covered by this account?


Read the Case Study 17-1 on page 367 of the text for this course Organizational Behavior in Health Care.

While the doctor would undoubtedly love to bring together her staff as a team, it is clear that she is dealing with a group here.

  1. Provide evidence for this assertion.
  2. Briefly explain the difference between a team and a group.
  3. What would be advantages that the doctor would encounter had her employees been organized as a true team.
Explanation & Answer

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